
I’ve been playing Sims 4 for quite some time, and my sims tend to stay in one spot when they eat. The only time they deviate from where they originally eat is when/if their bladder or other issue comes up. did not.

yeah sure, salsa is good, still have no desire to drink a glass of it. I enjoy mustard as well, won’t find me sipping on a cold glass of mustard - tomato juice anytime soon.

I have the vanilla game from when they were giving it away, is it worth playing at this point? Or do I need all the DLC to get the “full” experience?

500 internal server error and a monkey

Obvs not dis generashun ov txt speek and emojis.

Gotta sell dem shark cards...

Man, I thought this game was about choices too, then it FORCED me to murder and assassinate so many people. I am not a murderer in real life, and don’t appreciate this game telling me, and encouraging me to do so. Even the name is offensive, Assassin’s Creed! Should be renamed Friendly Choices Creed as to not upset me

LBP Release Date: 27 October 2008
No More Heroes: December 6, 2007
TF2: October 10, 2007
Portal: October 10, 2007


Comparing it to a game that has been pretty much using the same engine since forever is kinda unfair.

compare it to say, Metal Gear Solid IV, GTA IV or even Wipeout HD and those margins shrink considerably.

That’s not even mentioning games with unique visual aesthetics that still hold up today: No More Heroes, Little

Hot Take: Valve hasn’t had an original groundbreaking idea since Half Life 2.

That’s a pretty low bar...

Age of Empires IV

this is how i felt with the spoken parts of your fallout 4 character. the actual speech never seemed to align with what I actually wanted to say.

among other things, this is one of the reasons i just couldn’t get into the game.

Yeah, there’s a few hiccups, but it’s been one of the smoother BF launches in a long while really. Struggling to see what all this mess is about...

last time i did one of these, i totally misread the situation and thought it was something more akin to the movie hostel or battle royale... when i finally escaped after killing and eating my group i was promptly kicked out of the establishment.