
That’s precious if you still think all the data on that disc is going to let you play that game...

you expect to be handcuffed, detained and put into an ICE camp if your paperwork isn’t right?

those are some terrible expectations.

This is nice and all, but when can we see part 2? so I can elevate my relationship with my cat to the next level

that isn’t what happened...

I feel no shame in admitting I watch porn, but I prefer porn that has half a brain to it”

So they solve a Sudoku before fucking?

Forgive my ignorance, but what is a “Ghetto Lottery” ?

He is a Dankey Kang that wants to save the bananas

Earthbound a forgotten niche game? since when?

I’m no prude by any stretch, but I always found NSFW rooms on Discord always kinda cringey at best, and down-right horrifying in some regards.

I’ve seen enough pictures on the internet to know never to touch one of these figures ever....

man, breakdance would be pretty damn boring without being able to do anyone else’s moves ever without paying royalties...

TIL: 2016 is considered a long time ago.

almost as inspiring as REAPER, or SOLDIER 76, or DOOOMFIST!

Now playing

The only world where Alex Jones makes sense:

if you look at the trailer, a bunch of them are wearing Kitanas... so maybe?

maps and game mechanics have also become a lot more complex, where making bots would probably be a vast waste of time and resources due to % of people that use them compared to cost.

ahhh, nice! might have been worth mentioning in this advertisement.