
this seems like a very complicated way to make $10

“I’m frequently told that it looks fantastic”

Hate to break it to ya kid....

Nah dog, there’s a reason most your posts stay in the greys, I should have known better.

Yeah, that’s what you said. I am stating AND indicates both, like my original statement. I didn’t imply any order, just that both of those things happened. You are being a pedantic asshole, I responded in kind.

I downloaded all my data recently and just started laughing... like, what the hell they gonna do with all these shitposts...

If you gonna spell, do it right.

It totally makes sense, I don’t really disagree with anything you said, just see things a bit differently perhaps. I’d much rather see rehabilitation and people learning then being pushed further into the fringes.

AND indicates both, doesn’t indicate order, AND go fuck yourself.

he does that and goes “I’m Korean”

Interesting take, but many professional sports athletes are of the same age and younger and are expected to uphold to these values as well. Citing hockey for example ( I live in Canadaland, it’s what I know), many of the athletes will wear full shirt and tie ( I believe it’s even part of the bargaining agreement) and

Jesus Christ, it look likes his signature is a result of putting “curly font” in Google.

Very well said. This stream has been amazing, pretty much watched it start to finish yesterday. The low-key venue, the banter, the shit-talking, the nostalgia and hearing honest down to earth commentary (the good and the bad) on high level SC has been somewhat therapeutic.

A lot of the frustrations of growing older and

Great Article, And I find myself in a familiar boat, albeit a bit more extreme really, most of the games I actively play would be considered “hardcore” military games bordering on simulations of real world operations.

I grew up in a family that pretty much all served in the military in various branches, and even

Guild Wars 2 were the glory days? Maybe the first Guild Wars...

Well damn, I guess Blizzard getting kicked out of OWL then...

I fucking love that this is an option, always joke about stuff like this in games/movies, glad to see it actually come to fruition ( I was also not aware of FC4 doing this).

we did D&D on graph paper.

so what? they’ll put on more shows that I enjoy.... DA HORROR

Interesting. As someone who uses an alias and filled in their profile with BS answers I wonder what facebook actually knows about me, it’s friend suggestions, ads and news feed are always way off the mark in terms of content that remotely relates to me.