

Or you know, that shooting at Ft. Hood. pretty much a 2nd amendment dream, a bunch of good guys with guns, 13 dead (including 12 soldiers), 30 injured.

Here’s the scariest part, you’d think this would be an argument against the whole putting more guns in schools thing.


Many conservative/alt-right/whatever see this as justification to allow more people with guns in schools.

“if we can’t trust the police, we need our own guns!”

... which use twitch

no, it’s not. the fps in a film is much different to how fps in games works.

no, it’s not. the fps in a film is much different to how fps in games works.


It’s more like sarcasm.

I don’t disagree with you, I’ve mentioned that above.

Sure, in a way I suppose. However, this Twitch deal is $90 million in the pockets of Blizzard/Activision who are responsible for the league and it’s teams. It’s a lot of money injected into e-sports, and I’d say that does a lot for the teams, maybe not as directly as merchandise sales.

In hindsight you are mostly

yes, only Chinese companies are capable of greed and laziness.

so you’ll support the teams, but not the platform you watch it on?


that’s great and all, but how big is the map?

case and point, the Bob Ross channel, over 700k followers, millions of views, and nary any negativity in sight.

edited: Twitch even gives quite a large swathe of tools to ban certain words/users, put chat in slow/wait mode, subscriber only chat, designate moderators.

Dr.Disrespect, that you?

stay in the greys with your stupid shit.

if comedy clubs had a detailed and clear stance on what is and what isn’t allowed on their show, then yes. Twitch isn’t some bastion of freedom where anything goes.