
The CDC somehow looked at all the fucking shit that happened in 2020 and decided “yes, these people are totally capable of making an honest and informed decision about how their behavior may negatively impact others.” 

Well what do you expect if you eat sharp gravel?

While I will agree that Rifftrax is great (and arguably funnier than the Netflix seasons of MST3k), I think it’s worth mentioning that Mike, Bill, and Kevin were each the second person in their respective role on MST3k. The idea of a possibly rotating cast is kind of baked into the series and while group chemistry can

I’m absolutely amazed no one has shown any love for RiffTrax in this discussion. Although you do not have the same outlandish sets of being “trapped” in space, the jokes of RiffTrax are way more on par with the original series and retain Mike, Bill, and Kevin (the original cast) making it a worthy successor to

Absolutely agree about Jonah.

Part of the problem for restaurant (and retail, and any other low-end job in this economy) workers is that a lot of the folks who work those jobs do so because they’re trapped in a loop where they don’t have the time (or the risk tolerance) to make a play for a better job when, y’know, they have to go to work and work

That man is Jensen Karp...who is also a former rapper known as Hot Karl, and is also married to Topanga from Boy Meets World (aka Danielle Fishel Karp).

I treat root problems, not symptoms. If you only focus on symptoms and not what’s underneath it, then you deal with it forever. If you work on what is causing the symptoms, then you make lasting and meaningful progress. We have plenty of rules and expectations in our house, and we do not miss an opportunity to enforce

My child is “challenging”. He’s seven, but he’s very independent-minded, and what many would call defiant. Riding him does not work. Punishing him does not work. Shaming him does not work. All of those things make his behavior worse and our lives miserable. What does work is playing legos with him and reading stories

It looks like Cuomo is just going to keep his ass in office fighting off all of these claims of sexual harassment until the investigation into the allegations is concluded

Don’t do this. It’s impossible to avoid the implication that you’re attempting buy better service. Mentioning the tip, drawing attention to the tip is profoundly awkward and often insulting. Passing notes to restaurant workers is weird.

Walkers is a Lay’s brand:

As objectively shitty as Ted Cruz is as a person, I must point out that this is exactly how I’d expect any teen girl to react in public when her (in) famous dad tries to get PDA for the cameras.

Got 6000 eggs and made 700 tacos? And ran out of eggs? There’s a rounding error somewhere there, or there are some very inefficient tacos.

“He then trotted out the sales manager who basically fed us the same lines, low-key berating us for wasting his time and wasting his sales guy’s time”

If “hedge funds” actually operated as originally intended where you could use them to minimize risk to your bottom line caused by market fluctuations (“hedging your bets”), then it wouldn’t be an issue. Instead they’ve turned into massive slush funds that the financial sector can use to gamble on the stock market in

Let’s not pretend like there are any good guys in this story.

That’s just it though - the advantage of Red Lobster is that it’s reasonably accessible seafood pretty much anywhere in the country. It’s not the world’s best and you can get a better lobster at some local place just off Cape Cod, but most of America isn’t that.

I won’t lie, the last time I went to a Red Lobster was treating my grandpa when I went to visit him a few states over last year. It was his favorite restaurant, and we insisted on treating him to a nice meal while we were there because his health was so poor that we weren’t sure we’d ever get another chance (turned

i know it’s de rigueur to hate on ranch, and when it comes to the bottled stuff, i get it for the most part- but homemade ranch is delightful. what’s not to like about garlic and herbs?