
It seems like there would be a really great way to teach people in prison trade skills while allowing them to build up a fund for when they’re released and supply furniture to schools, government buildings, etc, but... we’re not doing that.

Being put on admin leave after a shooting is pretty typical, actually. It’s just a free paid vacation. 

Funny that this doesn’t mention the largest reason: there are a lot of people outright looking for things that can be deliberately taken out of context and misconstrued to say they’re offended and thus show how much they hate witches. Probably the nastiest part is that they’ll all glom on to the attack and accuse

Never tweet?

ARGH! Sentences like this make me cringe: “Gravy bread is just a French bun dunked in the au jus until it’s falling apart.”

It is *not* dunked in the “aus jus,” because “aus jus” means “with juice,” hence the sandwich name, “roast beef au jus.”

The sandwich is dunked in the jus.

No you don’t. You own a fork. I’m an acolyte of Alton Brown’s no-unitasker-devices scripture.

But if you’re streaming the game then you aren’t testing your hardware. You’re testing the servers and your internet service.

First of all, let me say that header photo looks like those old Brach’s nougats.

See also Louis C.K.’s “apology” when his abuses were finally revealed.”

You ought to do that yourself.

Loui CK’s apology NEVER blamed anybody but himself, NEVER cast himself as the victim and NEVER cast doubts on ANY of the accounts of his victims and he admitted his guilty readily.

Is he an absolute piece of shit who

I don’t see any contradiction in admitting to wrongdoing while at the same time countering against specific claims, if they aren’t true. Case in point, if I yell at somebody I can apologize and take responsibility, but if they say I called them a name that I know I didn’t, why should I “take responsibility” for that?

In the US, that might be a solution, but they live in a place where the populace is actually smart enough to understand roundabouts and use them to the greater efficiency over lights.

This feels more like advertorial than a regular post. There’s zero attempt at trying to justify the statement that Angus cattle “are known to produce higher quality beef.” Angus cattle are the primary beefer breed in the United States because they grow fast and are well-marbled - it’s about economically producing a

What’s “j-school”?

Chad, you probably should stop wasting your time with a bunch of idiots over here.

Chad, you probably should stop wasting your time with a bunch of idiots over here.

I don’t know if that’s aimed at Dolly specifically and I myself have not listened to the podcast but I’m getting the vibe that after a half century of being married to someone you do get weary of them because that’s being human. I don’t think she’s implying that she hates her marriage and/or is staying married for

Having worked computer repair I can tell you that HDD failure is the number 1 reason people come in by a large margin. I have had three personally fail and my very first SSD failed within three months, none since.

If you have any reasonable amount of stuff to back up, for the price difference between SSDs and HDDs, you can get a nice RAID on-site setup going with HDDs and pay for a cloud backup service. Redundancy is more important than the type of drive you’re using

To some degree this is true even without DLC. Games now commonly have massive day 1 patches and then a bunch of subsequent patches. Preserving games will now basically fall to “pirates” that will have to archive fully patched games.  You can’t rely on physical media for the final full game.

Microtransactions, DLC and F2P are no longer intrusions, or aberrations. They’re just the new normal.

There was that one white car in several photos where the straps are still holding it in place. Maybe this whole thing could have been avoided if they were all tied down so well.