
The title refers to the Appalachian values and attitude the main character’s parents and grandparents brought to Ohio from Kentucky. The author is a hack but I’m guessing he has a grasp on basic geography.

I said it before, but Glenn Close looks so much like the grandmother from Garfields Christmas special lol. Also fuck this movie and JD.

I’m honestly hoping he spends the next 74 days distracted by Twitter rants that grow more and more unhinged, and following all the frivolous lawsuits his campaign will be filing and subsequently losing in interesting and embarrassing ways.

Pick your day. I want a day as long as a March day, when every hour was six weeks long.

Tucker Carlson looks like he has perpetual "I thought my keys were in my pocket" face

Very good advice and something people who seem to think they can “outwork” their diet (and on Reddit, it seems to be everyone) needs to keep in mind is that the calorie burns for given exercises are NOT *on top of* your RMR.

As someone very familiar with the inner workings of evangelical churches, likely the moral failure was on Hillsong’s side. Either actions, or theological, and when the young pastor tried to confront it he clashed more and more with the church leadership. I’ve seen this play out a few times.

I mean, it could be good

Truly doing the Lord’s work here, Lillian. Or, well, someone’s work.

Just curious about the cream of mushroom - with all the talk of the gelatinous texture, did you not, er, un-condense it by adding an equal amount of water or milk to it? Seems like uncondensed CoM would be great through a straw.

I remember when the United States was a respected country that didn’t have an infantile fucking moron in charge, droning to his obsessive cult about how everyone’s out to get him. 

Seriously. No celeb can do right in Jezebel’s eyes talking about politics. Pratt donates to Democrats in the past and gets called a Republican. Jennifer Lawrence talks about transitioning from Repub to Dem and gets shit on. Aniston encourages people to vote and even that get snark. It’s honestly getting a little sad

As the article mentions most-of-the-way down, it seems more likely it’s just selection bias: people who get flu vaccinations are just more responsible and cautious about their health in general.

With labels on them.  The pics aren’t clear enough to read what they say and the mystery will haunt me for all my days

Holy crap! Twist ending:

It could also be a deduction carryforward - although knowing his business skills (bankrupt casino! seriously how do you fail running a casino? especially when there was no significant competition in the area.)

I have a feeling what Trump is calling “prepay” is actually a loss carryforward, but that would require him to acknowledge his string of epic business failures, so his team has rephrased as a prepayment using the broadest possible definition of that term.

Two men spoke stridently in their indoor voices while Kirsten Welker, the moderator, seemingly forgot about the existence of the mute button and how to use it.

You’re referencing Right to Work, but I believe you mean At Will Employment. New York is at will, so it would be difficult for him to prove wrongful termination, hence the discrimination suit that didn’t work out.

Yes! That’s a really bad lawyer. Seriously, “pregnancy discrimination” hasn’t the lawyer heard of the FMLA? 

You mean Grade A Dark Color, Robust Taste Maple Syrup”. /eyeroll

@CHONGLISS: Only fingers? How do they breathe?