All that effort to try to improve shape, while making the chips way too big. Smaller chips make for more even distribution.
All that effort to try to improve shape, while making the chips way too big. Smaller chips make for more even distribution.
Waterproof mattress covers are not only a thing, they’re required if you ever want to take advantage of the manufacturer's warranty.
Just buy a new one. That’s always what I want to do when I have to clean something gross. Too many dirty dishes? Throw them out and buy new ones. Bed diarrhea? Buy a new bed.
Sprinkle baking soda in the cooled oven interior and then apply lemon juice.
I tried breathing through my mouth, but about fifteen minutes in, I started getting woozy. I had to book it outside so I could take off the mask before I fainted, because I wasn’t getting enough air.
Some of the ones with the outflow on the front direct the air straight down and restrict how wide it opens.
Just to beat anyone to the punch, ice cream for dinner is a healthy alternative to eating a full meal AND ice cream.
Wonder what the coal miners think of this message...
At least you’re not going to try and defend your anti-science babble.
Look at you - a walking contradiction. Just so you know, CO2 is even smaller than SARS-CoV-2. Masks block outbound droplets before they disperse into the air and partially evaporate. Once they do that, they’re small enough to be breathed in through a mask. It’s important that infected people wear a mask. But since we…
It does make you wonder if they just didn’t like her. Partly because of less in common due to age differences. Doesn’t make anything they did right, but the whole story is probably a lot more complicated.
If people go from cooking, on average, one meal a day at home to two or three, then it stands to follow that fires would spike by similar levels.
Why the hell are you behind a vehicle that is clearly backing up?
Not to mention these white people don’t think they’re “ethnic.” Because ethnicity is a thing for other people.
Let’s be honest. It was still meatier than anything I got in K-12. Historical figures are just facts to learn with no personality, no personal lives, and no flaws. Nobody expects a mixed race musical to be perfectly historically accurate to the facts. But it does spark interest in learning more.
I say give it another chance. It’s not really my thing. I had to wait until I had the energy. This is not something you can watch while tired. There’s too much to process - between the speed of the lyrics and all the movement.
require levels of cognitive dissonance that are extraordinary.
It left out more than that. They had an oxygen sensor (oximeter) at home. When her oxygen levels were dangerously low, they put her on her grandfather’s oxygen tank instead of taking her to the hospital.
Do we just never hear about the PI/LBO success stories? I’m genuinely interested in understanding how it could be profitable.
They can still fail upwards from there. Get a good return selling the property post-pandemic.