
For people who are fans of the soulsborne type games I’m sure From Software has kept you happy but to me they seem to make the same game over and over.  I have played some of the original Dark Souls and some Bloodborne and it does seem to me like they are locked into a genre that is quite inaccessible to scrub gamers

I’m playing on PS5, the graphics aren’t that great compared to other recent/current gen games but the game runs very smoothly and aside from the normal funny glitches you get I’ve had only a handful of hard crashes. You can really tell the old consoles were holding this game back based on the graphics. Maybe they

Pour one out. At least we’re getting a Mass Effect remaster before the end. Surely they can finish that before the ship sinks completely. I really liked Anthem and wish that they would have committed more to their original plans with that game instead of taking their ball and going home once the backlash hit. I know

It ran so poorly on my PS4 as well (original PS4), like way worse than you’d think for its graphical style. And I do agree that it feels way more like a Tales game than Breath of the Wild, in fact I do hope the next Tales game does take some cues from Genshin like more engaging open world exploration.

As an avid WoW player and Destiny player who has played WoW since before Burning Crusade and Destiny since the Alpha, my fascination with these games is not getting loot or making my numbers go up, or expecting some grand adventure every time I log in.  To me it’s like the day in the life of a hero.  Like, what

Second this. It’s pretty much a gatcha game that you can’t buy your way through. You can either play till the end (your final save will always be right before the ending, with access to the entire world), or try for it on new game plus.

Thank you for this read. As an (obvious) fan of the Xeno series, I am always grateful whenever a new game comes out. After the disaster that was Xenosaga 2, I feel lucky to still be able to still play new games from my favorite series, even if they’re not canonically linked.

It’s a pretty clean break from all the previous Destiny 2 expansions so, you might not feel the sting of loss that others have with sunsetting and vaulting if you haven’t played since original Destiny 2. This is probably as close to Destiny 3 as we’re going to get in some time.

I was gonna say 3DS, because I had to buy like 3 versions to get to one that I actually liked, or maybe the original DS because I lamented the lack of a traditional control scheme for Metroid Prime Hunters or the Mario 64 remake, or even the Wii U with its convoluted setup, but all of those systems actually had games

PS5 owner here.  I was going to wait but Amazon has the preorders for both PS and Xbox at $49.94 as I’m typing this, and it is rare to discount a new game like this. Also, CDPR is packing extra goodies with the standard physical version of the game, which I am always down for, so given all that I think it’s a decent

I dunno man, Spider Man: Miles Morales kind of made me a believer in ray tracing.  Nothing wrong with being able to play all your old PS4 games on top of that.

No problems on my PS5 yet, I have been utilizing rest mode and also an older external HDD that I had removed from my PS4. Because of this I did not do a direct transfer from PS4, my external drive was freshly formatted and everything on it is a fresh download.

I’m staggering my purchases too but just in the opposite way. Bought a PS4 at launch, skipped the Pro and am back for PS5. If they do a half-step upgrade this gen I will probably skip that too.

After a couple of days I would say the biggest drawback of the console is definitely the internal storage. I went ham and downloaded a bunch of my favorite PS4 games and filled it up overnight before I could blink (it for some reason downloads games way faster than my PS4 did).

Thank you so much for this article, I didn’t know about the mission node to go into the last city and would have sat in the tower like an idiot the whole time if I hadn’t come across it.

Thanks for taking the time to explain.

There may not be all that much that’s new to play, but if you have the original (not half step upgrade PS4 Pro and Xbox One X) consoles, I imagine this is akin to buying a new and improved PC setup. when you think about it that way $500.00 isn’t a bad deal to upgrade from 1080/30 FPS to 4k/60 FPS in some cases. And

I don’t Mind ME1's loot system and gameplay mechanics as much as I do the interface. I do think they can touch up a lot of that game without getting rid of all of its systems.  Also hoping for a transmog system of some sort, some of those armors were really ugly.

Uncharted 4. The Last of Us Part 2. Ghost of Tsushima. I have a launch PS4 and just recently last year upgraded to a 4k television so I am most looking forward to playing all the best PS4 games that will at least run as well as they would on a PS4 Pro if not better, and finally play my games in 4K.

This is why when I built my Deathcube Prime I never looked back. I don’t care if the Kubrow is better or worse, I just can’t bring myself to even look at the incubation chamber anymore.