
One thing about FFXIV that you either love or hate is every expansion is basically structured the same. Unlike WoW, it doesn’t reinvent itself every expansion, however some of the boss fights down the line can get pretty creative. So if you look at what you got in Heavensward (first expansion) it’s pretty easy to

If you love the IP as I do, give it a try. I don’t do any crafting/gathering in this game or WoW and it is hardly mandatory in FFXIV, although I do hear it is more engaging than it is in WoW.

I see I’m not the only one who dusted off their Wii U to play some of these old Metroid games after the Dread announcement. We sure did get a lot of classic games on there, it’s the only system I have where I can play Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, and a bunch of

I’m actually having decent fun with this game but I’m glad I got it on Gamepass (only $1 for me cause I’m a new member) otherwise I’d be a bit disappointed. I don’t really mind the combat or anything like that. After 5 minutes of trying to play it like a third person brawler I realized that the game wants you to

I just did the upload today and it didn’t occur to me that you have to redownload the game to do this if it isn’t already installed. It’s definitely an inconvenience in that case but hardly what I’d call messy.

Same here I thought that was a little weird, but the way the game works your most recent save should pretty much be cumulative of all your playthroughs and you can do chapter select so I don’t think you miss much buy only having your current save uploaded.

Uncharted games are like an annual replay for me, my wife can’t get enough of watching me play them. Sometimes for a game to have good replay value you don’t need a branching storylines, and open world, RPG mechanics, or a new game plus. Sometimes you you just need a game that’s just so good you want to play it over

I can’t believe people are still trying to make Expeditions work. Like who played through the entire 30 hour campaign, saw the tacked on time-attack endgame and thought “yeah, this is the game I want to grind for hundreds of hours.”  Game is way better if you pretend Expeditions just don’t exist, I’m having much more

Paragon when speaking to my friends, renegade when speaking to my enemies, my first playthrough in the LE I ended up about 80% to 85%-ish paragon this way, with full paragon and renegade options available at the ending of ME3. So there is a bit of leeway there for some RP without screwing yourself over, I think you

I’d say it sounds pretty good for a team of 20 people making a huge open world game, but I guess the truth is this is just the latest in a growing list of ambitious titles that end up being bad, broken or both. I hope we aren’t in some sort of decline for AAA open-world adventure games because I do quite like them

That’s why I said it’s just kind of like this. It’s definitely not exactly the same but some hitscan players in OWL were absolutely benched during goats, and others probably didn’t like playing Zarya or Brig or were less successful.

We already had a problem kind of like this for hitscan players during GOATS. No job really is safe in OWL or the real world. Maybe some people will get dropped, but I think the best teams will keep specialists on staff. They could also allow tank players to switch out mid-match to play their specialized heroes, crazy

It addresses a few problems, like the DPS to tank ratio, tanks not always being super impactful in pickup games (they’re getting buffed), and it also reduces the amount of clutter you have to keep track of by a little bit. Whether it is actually fun I guess we’ll see.

Trying to think of something that has not already been mentioned and out of all the games I played as a kid the only one I can think of that I would want remade is... Fester’s Quest.  That can’t be right.

I always wanted to play this as a kid but never got the chance.  I played it a little bit on Nintendo Switch but it seems like the kind of game that would have been GREAT when I was a kid, but I just don’t have the patience for now.

Still waiting for Vision of Confluence, I hope that is still on the VoG loot table. They’re not crazy enough to let you run elemental weapons in all 3 slots anymore but I’m sure it would still be pretty good.

If they ever do a sequel I hope they lean more into the campaign aspect of it and add stuff like dialogue choices and branching storylines instead of a tacked-on endgame that is practically meaningless. It was a lot of fun having a loot shooter where loot was in service of taking you through a story for once, instead

I feel like I am the opposite of a gaming snob. I play a lot of games but don’t complain about them enough. I just work around or don’t engage with features of games I don’t like, instead of wishing they were different. I actually enjoy Destiny. I played the shit out of Cyberpunk and thought it was really underrated,

Like others were saying I think it’s a lot of word of mouth, and Supergiant games doesn’t have a lot of baggage like Naughty Dog and a lot of AAA studios. With all the hype I’m tempted to try it but I know that I don’t like roguelikes and it is just not my type of game. For what it’s worth I beat Bastion and didn’t

That does sound like a pain in the ass.  I think I’ll just wait till Bungie backtracks after all the outrage and work on it then.