Why not?
Why not?
To me there’s nothing wrong with being part of a critical event in the game world, I kind of like to think of MMOs as being hero simulators where you keep playing and doing the mundane shit you would think heroes have to do (clear this town full of baddies every day, presented in-game as a daily quest) long after the…
I just happen to have about 6 alts that were sitting and waiting for this patch. This past weekend I went and started a different story line for each of them. And the best part is that I no longer have that paralysis of, “I better level my higher level toons even when I don’t want to because I don’t want 5 guys stuck…
Challenges/bounties/quests in GaaS type games that force you to play a specific way, or use a specific move or weapon. If you want to funnel me into an activity type to farm for an item to drop that’s fine, I don’t mind grinding as a concept, but having to kill 50 guys with a move I never use is excruciating.
If it wasn’t for Baldur’s Gate and Mass Effect, I would say JRPGs in a heartbeat, but alas, those are some of my favorite franchises of all time. I can only hope that one day we can get a really good linear narrative-driven western RPG, or a really good open world JRPG. I think maybe the games I’ve played with the…
Anybody else not feel like they *have* to grind out on this game nonstop? There are enough games out there that compel you to do that and have way more interesting progression mechanics, but none of these other games gave me a campaign as compelling as Avengers did. I am hoping to just come back to this game now and…
I’m not sure this means that we won’t see Bethesda games on PS5, I think Microsoft’s strategy lately has been their Game Pass and interconnectivity with the PC platform. I don’t think they care quite as much anymore how many Xbox units they sell as much as they care about you buying into their ecosystem.
Getting rid of the motion blur was the best thing about this patch. Still runs like shit on a launch model PS4, but at least I can see what’s going on now. A lot of the bad bugs didn’t affect me at all, and I am still not trying to do the endgame hives until I (slowly) max everybody’s gear out, but for what I’m doing,…
Yeah it was always “so long, eh Bowser” unless you were a shitty teen that didn’t know any better (I was) and wanted to make fun of it.
AI teammates reviving me seems like one of the few things they do consistently right. They do never deal with ranged threats so I always have to prioritize that. But poor Captain America is too stupid to hack terminals and not strong enough to bust down walls so that kind of sucks. I can understand from a design…
Yeah they sure are, the Reddit for this game is salty as all hell but at least I know what to look out for and what bugs may or may not be waiting for me at the endgame when I make it there.
Aaaand this is why I'm taking my time getting to max level. None of these loot based, persistent online games seem to ever be good enough to satisfy hardcore players at launch. It's almost like it's hard to make these kinds of games work properly without releasing them into the wild first.
All bugs aside, I think design-wise the worst part of this game is the loot. And that actually excites me because I think they are just using loot as a way to keep people playing in between story and content drops. It doesn’t really excite me to race to max power level, instead I play to become Iron Man, Black Widow,…
Campaign is pretty much completely separate and they recommend you do it before messing around with multiplayer. I don’t know how many story nuggets you will get when future characters are released but the campaign it ships with is supposed to be like 10 ish hours.
Very limited aiming in this game, every character has a left trigger aim/right trigger shoot move, but by default the aim assist is very high and most of the time you will be brawling with melee attacks. You’ll basically just use it occasionally to take out a few high flying targets before going back to…
I’m pretty sure you can’t respec because you eventually get enough points to unlock all abilities. However, there may be a case where you don’t want an ability (like a combo or long button press move that might get in the way of your playstyle) and you can’t remove points to get rid of moves like that. So it is an…
The price for these extra outfits and emotes seems way too high when thinking in terms of real money transactions, I don’t think I will partake. Although it sounds like the battle pass stuff is self-sustaining what with the first 6 being free and all. I guess as long as you keep 1,000 credits in reserve, you will…
Well yeah like I said I’m not there yet, and I’m sure what you’re saying is true at the endgame, but I’m not really at a point yet where I have truly high end mods to use as a baseline for seeing what weapons/warframes are OP and broken yet. But starting out, framing it in the way I stated was helpful for me wrapping…
This was a game I actually played a lot of back when it came out. I think I remember it being the first Final Fantasy branded game to come out on a Nintendo console since FFVI (not 100% sure on that one), which is why I was so excited to play it.
Someone else explained it really well in the comment section on one of the articles here on Kotaku: