
What they mean about the narrow decision is that the decision can only be applied narrowly in this very specific kind of case, rather than an overarching carte blanche for businesses to discriminate against LGBT individuals.

Also very true. Canada gets screwed over often due to poor economies of scale. For instance, our groceries are so much more expensive compared to a region like Europe.

I’m really impressed with all the designs and the amount of work put into the specs and background. They’re original, yet definitely have the spirit of the Overwatch universe.

Could a gay couple theoretically claim that their right to get married is THEIR sincerely held religious belief and the seller’s refusal of service is an infringement on said beliefs? Whose sincerely held religious beliefs trump whose, considering you cannot really legally define the specifics or sincerity of a

The article isn’t even about the cost of DLC relative to a game or about why DLC exists. It’s about timed exlcusivity.

Pretty much this. Our dollar has been strengthening again against theirs since, but you can bet they won’t ever adjust the price back to where it was.

A positive influence will definitely make the next generation of gamers a lot more civil and kind towards one another. Civility and kindness are things the culture sorely needs.

I was looking for this haha

He’s also the palest kind of white man. He looks like the ghost of Jason Segel.

“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

How does Trump feel about Crazy Joe Davola?

I agree with this assessment. I don’t think the producers wanted this season, much like season 6 with Bianca to suffer from a “clear winner from day 1” syndrome. It’s more compelling television to not know who’s going to win.

Perhaps a hypothetical screenshot of his Grindr profile, which explicitly states the kinds of guys he doesn’t want to talk to/fuck?

I have more of an issue with Sora. He’s not even a monster. He’s an anthropomorphic cat with a bat wing on his face.

I should put that slogan on my business cards.

The admiral is still on the Discovery. We’re all still in the dark as to what she’s been up to this entire time. Shouldn’t she have taken command of the Discovery?

I would have thought A Quiet Place would have been on the list.


I’d go on to say that the last “proper” 3D Mario game was Sunshine, because with Galaxy and Galaxy 2 (as wonderful as those games are), you still had to follow a specified course. Sunshine still had open world exploration. Hell, Galaxy 2 was less open world compared to the first Galaxy because they did away with the

Is “dotard” the DRPK’s version of “cuck?”