[ominous music]

IMO: the Lady Avengers shot was effective, albeit hamfisted, feminist propaganda. HOWEVER, I also thing our current time really, really needs effective feminist propaganda, so I was totally down with it and I was smiling ear to ear as one woman hero after another stepped into frame.

Oh man, I didn’t think another scene would give me goosebumps like Cap showing up in Infinity War, but when Mjonir started to move a little I was thinking “Are they going to do that?!” Cap messing up Thanos with the hammer was the absolute best.

I was hesitant about NuGreg but he bowled me over immediately. His entrance into the show was seamless and I’m so excited to see where this goes now.

I want to see Heather walk down the aisle the way she danced out of the Soul Train-esque line.

I’m so happy Rebecca and the gang - and these recaps - are back! I was hesitant to watch the episode because it’s the last season and I want to delay saying goodbye as much as possible. As soon as I started watching it felt like season 3 ended just yesterday. I’m going to miss this show so much.

Valencia came in strong too, with the verbal slap in the face.

Harper and Monty deserved better, but they weren’t going to get it, so I am pretty happy with this for them

I think Clarke was supposed to be driven by maternal love for Maddi and combined with her six year separation from the others made her feel like in the end, she and Maddi were her “crew” and the only ones worth saving. A character arc that was never fully explained while also being completely out of character.

Clarke is my favorite character on this show give or take Raven, but my god I have hated her this season. If Lexa helps redeem her that will be sort of beautiful. 

Unusually-attractive-kru? If you meant the number, I would have no idea, but I’m rooting for hundo now. I still think having “clean water” in Trigedasleng translate to “set for life” was a great decision on the part of the writers and language creator.

I was aware it is meant to be called “The Hundred” but I nevertheless always think of it as “The One-Hundred”. And they can’t stop me.

Or “The Hundo” for short! (Not really, but I wish somebody would call them that at some point).

Hey I’m right there with you so it’s The One-Hundred...

Abby is possibly the worst mom ever. She floated her husband, put her daughter on a juvenile prison ship to a possibly uninhabitable earth, and necessary cannibalism is what haunts her? 

Beyonce The Vampire Slayer.

S1 Jasper was like a refugees from a late 90’s teen comedy out into a cryogenic freeze so he woke up on the Arc and never got over the fact Jennifer Love Hewitt was into somebody else

If you drop an album on Tidal did you really drop it?

I really enjoy this show, but there are a couple of things that bother me.

Eh, s5 isn't too bad. On a whole, it's better than s4. You should go back and give it a shot.