[ominous music]

She lost me the moment she pointed a gun at Raven. There's no turning from that! 

I’d recommend Partition in its two parts (Yonce and Partition on YouTube). It’s catchy and sexy and the production is just awesome!

I told my husband the same thing!

I’ll check out the first season then and take it from there. Thanks!

Is Banshee any good? Only one friend recommended it to me and we usually don’t agree much on TV series

I laughed so hard when she jumped her with that knife!


Amy is amazing. Episode 6 of The Leftovers last year had me crying myself to sleep that day, and I watched it in the afternoon. Would have loved to see her friendship evolve with Xo more but she really did make the most out of those 3 scenes.

Fitz is becoming one of my all time favorite characters. Ian is such an amazing actor and it bums me out that he’ll never get an Emmy nomination for this.

Wait what? When??

They’ve had misteps for sure. But overall I think it’s my favorite MCU show by far. They have 22 episodes to write every season and their budget keeps shrinking. Other shows have the luxury of 8 or 13 episodes and still suffer on a narrative level (Jessica Jones for example).

Yes! Plus it had such an interesting structure with every chapter starting with someone waking up, including Daisy on her chair in the last 10 minutes. I hope the rest of the season keeps delivering!

He’s got shades of Wesley post season 3. I still can’t believe how good last episode was but thought this was a strong follow up!

I thought that was weird too. She was so quick to dismiss that possibility but I’m hoping she comes around soon and that will be how they stop the world from quaking apart.

Ha I knew that rang a bell somehow. Good callback!

Or is it Scary Sexy Evil Russian? You know like scary like a sexy evil Russian and sexy like a sexy evil Russian!

Sorry about your mom. I can’t imagine what it’s like to go through something like that.

I’d rather have Coulson die than Fitz.

I was lying on my couch and had to sit straight. It was so fuckin tense.

This has become my favorite show out of the MCU by far. When you think about the low budget and the number of episodes they have to deliver every season the quality is amazing. Sure it’s not as impressive as JJ or Legion but those shows have drastically fewer episodes.