
New Disqus is disqusting me.

Well, considering they celebrated them as objects and not people your point is moot.

Pinbill Paxton.

I was gonna get politically active
but then I got high
and then they took away my weed
and I know why
because I didn't get politically active
because I didn't get politically active
because I didn't get politically actiiiive

You mean Bonobos, Thedge, Adam Claytwothousandpounds and Larry Mullen Sr.'s son?

Landslide? Probably not. But he won't be making the same jokes regardless. I'm sure he will have new ones.

oi oi.

This video is my suicide note. Goodbye, cruel world!

I combed the article and this all check out.

Next week, AV Club commenters have to read all of their comments about the Star Wars prequels aloud to George Lucas.

Podcasts are covered at the AV Club, and this is content stemming from a podcast, therefore, AV Club should cover it.

This makes sense. Every time I take an Uber, the driver will say "they should make a movie about Uber drivers! It would be crazy!"

It could be argued that he has already done that once, with Rick and Morty. That started out as a novelty cartoon short about Doc Brown molesting Marty McFly across time, but Harmon corralled Roiland, added some heart, and made an amazing product.

Please put an adorable yellow bullet in my head…

I mean, I'm no expert, but I don't think mailing gross things was really the Jokers modus operandi…

Speak for yourself.

It's pretty juvenile, but I think when Trump spends all day spewing shit everywhere, everyone else gets to shovel that shit right back in his direction.

This shit is getting through a lot more…

Yea. This is why I love the AV Club comment sections. The rest of the internet is a cesspool. The AV Club comment section is full of reasonable, rational people. You guys are da best!

Star Trek: Into Sadness.