Anyone else getting a bragging vibe from Evans’ statement?
Anyone else getting a bragging vibe from Evans’ statement?
Can someone please make a 2-door hot hatch? Please? PLEASE?
The US is a BIG country - lotta puritanical guilt and woodlands to be had.
You must be a hoot at parties.
“There is the problem where people say ‘Well, we don’t want to make it about them being gay.’ Well no, we want that, if I’m honest. I want to know they’re gay! I want that, I want you to shove that down people’s throats. Until we get to a point where the world doesn’t care, I want it. We need to care.”
I’m not sure this is being marketed to clumsy alcoholics, though. ;)
I’m not sure this is being marketed to clumsy alcoholics, though. ;)
Except for in his example people are being contradictory and in yours they’re not...
I play Galactic Civilizations in a similar way - go for a Tech victory. In each game, I do the bare minimum military tech to discourage attacks, and devote ALL my other efforts towards building up my civilization. In Civ5, defensively speaking, it was all about getting artillery asap and then the stealth bomber. Good…
Barring any unfortunate occurrences, I’m going to be alive to see us go to Mars. I’m not sure if I should be ecstatic it’s finally happening or depressed that it’s taken this long...
I’d agree on the AI part - it could use some improvement - but I never had to focus on war in Civ games, especially 5. Always won with tech, cultural or diplomatic.
Greatly enjoyed the thinly-veiled disdain in every response.
“Technology like dashboard and body cameras can be very helpful, but when used by itself, technology can also mislead and misinform, which also causes other issues and problems within our community.”
Yeah, I can totally see how an unmanipulated dash/body cam video could mislead and/or misinform the community. How…
I can’t imagine why women don’t feel comfortable or welcomed within the gaming community. They’re always treated with love and respect - just look at the response to Chhetri’s post!
Seriously, though, it’s one thing if she’s alleging that the Smash community is more prone to sexual assault than other gamer communities…
Can we all stop talking about this and just get to talking about how much I want the S660 to come to the US?
Loving all the self-righteous comments in light of the LAPD saying it’s not true.
I’m OMG and I approve this message:
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. After reading the click-bait headline and the first paragraph, all I could think was, “you either don’t know many/any lesbians or you’re a cynical hack who uses manufactured scandal to drive interest in your articles.” I’m leaning toward the latter.
“This is arguably worse than when my own mom told my 9th-grade girlfriend that she should date my friend Charles, because Charles was much taller than me. What the fuck, mom?”
2016 - the year “racist/racism” ceased to have any meaning at all