I’ve met more dishonest police than engineers in my life.
I’ve met more dishonest police than engineers in my life.
...and then contributes to giving up a basket on the put-back to the guy he blocked because he was staring down the crowd.
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
Fuck this. I can’t with the unfettered brutality at a football game (gameplay and fans). Just adopt an EPL team and get your early morning Saturday drink on. You’ll never think about the NFL again.
Heaven for-fucking-bid that an automotive blog get out in front of a political story that is directly at the heart of the American automotive industry and which they can talk about with knowledge, depth, and most importantly, specific knowledge of models, plants, and a history of tracking where vehicles are slated to…
Not excusing her, but you can’t walk out. You can call an admin, but it really challenging schools no one will come, and they don’t want you sending kids to the office. Really defiant kids won’t go even if you do send them.
Of course this would happen at Poly Prep. You legitimize polygamy and all sorts of slippery slope sex shit is gonna happen.
Considering the amount of damage Metzen is responsible for in regard to the Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo lore, it’s probably best that gets out of the game (pun intended).
Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.
He’s tried:
I’m just thankful that we didn’t nominate an old white guy who was actually popular instead of widely hated and stood a chance in hell of beating Trump.
“We guys” actually elected Clinton by 650,000 votes and if you’re from London you can’t exactly claim angels singing from your heights of government. I mean, don’t you have Brexit, Farage, lad culture and something called The House of Lords?!
DoD only has like 3 wins its last 5 fights. Only 2 KOs. Floyd is undefeated.
Nice that Trump’s transition team hasn’t had a chance to speak to anyone at State, Justice, or DoD, but he has time for Mayweather. Clearly a man focused on the task at hand.
I think like many flankers, she’s going to be extremely subjective to who’s using her, like Genji and Tracer. Majority of recent matches I’ve been in, the Sombras have’t really done much. But there have been a few games where the enemy Sombra has completely wrecked my team.
And people have been shot in malls and movie theaters too. Should we all just have our trigger fingers ready, just in case the extremely unlikely happens? Fuck your tired narrative
Kate’s improper use of “your” has forever killed my boner for her.
See, driving while White is also dangerous!
No it’s my procedure