
I’m with you 100% here. I love seeing the mewling whiners come out with their “get a real job” BS - just because you gave up on doing something you love doesn’t mean everyone else has to.

Ignore the morons - you’re right. After giving the drawing a look, I just rolled my eyes and moved on. On the bright side, getting massive implants wouldn’t mess up your back in zero gravity!

It’s unfortunate that my utter disdain for GamerGate and their ilk makes me a de facto supporter of Anita Sarkeesian. I’ve yet to see her say anything that’s not incredibly obvious, although maybe that’s the point? Is she trying to appeal to stupid people who think that it’s great that the vast majority of women in

God, it’s so sad that I needed to read to the second sentence to realize you were joking. 2016 is the year the internet died.

This is my dream - just give them, like... the South. Bugs-Bunny carve that shit right off the continent and let them destroy themselves while we enjoy our affordable healthcare and civil rights.

Man, you started so strong with this comment and then it immediately became a pathetic circle jerk. WHY?

I will never understand why committing a crime within the context of a sporting event makes it not a crime. This isn’t hockey, where the two dudes choose to square off - this is a guy laying on the ground getting kicked in the hand/stomach. Charge him with assault, ffs.

Omg, you’re such a misogynistic, Bernie-Bro, Trump-supporting racist!

... did I get everything? Wanted to include all of the “wrote something vaguely critical about Clinton” insults into one concise comment.

Translation: “I’m horse-pony and I’m apparently too stupid to look at the banner at the top of the page.”

Even by soccer standards, I’m not sure a 1-0 final score counts as “wrecking.”

The Spider 124 Coupe - please, please, please let it happen.

“Kaylor seems pretty chill considering his fucking car just got flipped around by a parent, who, and I’m just taking a wild assumption, may be overreacting a bit.”

Why the fuck would he care? You think he worked for that Audi, or you think Daddy bought it for him? Hell, this just means the kid will get a nice, new

He really should have said: “Don’t wear your giant engagement ring because it makes you look like an uneducated asshole who revels in gaudy displays of wealth.”

Dude, this game was so good. It’s rare that you get a derivative open world game (one that was an offshoot of another derivative game, no less) that gets it so right. I’d shank a dude for a next-gen sequel.

If horse sports are in the Olympics, why not dog sports?Camel sports? Falconry?

Or, you know, get a gf who’s doesn’t police your hobbies like a psycho control-freak.

You do know that a little over 15% of the population actually lives in rural/mountainous regions, yes? You do know that it’s pretty rare to see SUVs in Korea, right? You do know that the vast majority of young people can’t afford the luxury of a car, even if they wanted one, yeah? Would you like me to go on?

You are an excellent example of why there are no conservative satirists...

Actually, the Treaty of Versailles was not onerously crafted or particularly harsh. It was lenient in comparison to other post-war treaties of the time.

So... Donald Trump?