
Howling dogs are just the best.

...............I think I see Henri rolled up under a comforter somewhere in that house.................#MarzipanForTheWin................

UK Update:

Slightly OT, but I just finished reading The Novel of the Century, in which the author argues that Javert’s main motivation is his unalterable belief that morality is based on class. You are what you are by birth and can’t change. Once, scroungy and desperate, always scroungy and desperate. That seems to me to be

That is not a “all X people look the same” thing. He does indeed look like Alex Jones.

Just personal preference, I’m partial to this guy:

And if you do get more than 1 service job, prepare yourself for weekly battles with each boss about “I told you I need Sundays open because I gave those hours to X-store.” and “Yes, of course this job is important to me.” Not to mention the imaginary “promotions” they hang like a carrot over your head trying to get

Here’s my ridiculously cute kid. He’s kind of the only reason I’m keeping it together right now.

“Keep the word African Americans out of your whore mouth, you pussy grabber fuck!”

I had an Old English Sheepdog growing up. Her name was Chauncey. She was a giant coward. The puppy down the street used to come and bark at her because he was able to make such a big dog cower. She was neurotic; but then so was the whole family; so she reflected all of us.

What’s wrong with looking like the Colonel? Damn fine dog.

Thank you for pointing that out. Lots of people have to work retail at Wal-Mart and other jobs at fast food places. As I said before, these tax cuts aren’t going to do anything for the average worker. Corporations are going to take these tax cuts and automate more jobs. You’ll see more self-checkout lanes at Wal-Mart

Real Madrid pa’ Siempre! #TeamMarzipan! #ScrewHenri!.................loll...........................

That top photo is too much. I’m so glad that’s right at the top of the comments.

My rare Pointy Eared Snow Panda says, “Oh Hi!”

“Trump’s rating among African Americans is shit. So double of that is just double shit.”

Don’t forget that many states don’t require companies like this to post a schedule in advance, meaning it’s almost impossible to work more than one part-time job.

Not florid or yelling enough.

Eh disagree, his shirt is still on.

Long time reader, first time replyer here.