
Agree on all of this. And I hate to say that the interviewing delivery and responses were definitely jarring for me, too. If it’s any “consolation” or, rather, context — I’m a lady scientist as well, and this reminds me of some of my lab students’ and techs’ presentation styles. And these folks are super-interested

I read somewhere once that having a kid is a narcissistic thing to do because you want to pass on your genetic line and for men it is more important than women. I personally never wanted kids, when we were young my friends all played with dolls that they pretended were babies. I always wanted to be independent and

I fucking love how much she says fuck. Also, much appreciate her saying us childless women are brave. I get so many annoying comments about my lack of children...why don’t you have kids? When are you going to have kids? Don’t you want kids? What, you don’t have kids? Oh, you’ll change your mind, kids are the most

I really enjoyed Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach, which has lots of information about different things that can happen to your body after you die (decomposition, donating it to science, etc)

Caitlin’s YouTube channel is so fascinating!

her Ask a Mortician series is genius.

YES. One of the best books about it. Also, “Stiff”, by Mary Roach. Very educational and entertaining.

This was a really interesting piece and I’m thrilled to see you featuring real women scientists at work. It’s something that’s sorely needed.

Yes! I was hoping she was involved in this article as well. (Oh well, can’t win them all.) The book is really informative and is something I think a lot of people could benefit from reading. I loaned it to my mom and shortly after she ended up taking care of my grandmother in hospice. I think it helped my mom a lot to

For more on the death business, I highly recommend Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, a half-memoir, half history of death by Caitlin Doughty (of Ask a Mortician fame). It’s incredibly illuminating and beautifully written to boot.

I don’t mean to argue, but almost every major corporation I’ve worked for has some way for you to check your email from your home computer or device. Either via a webmail client, or through a vm that you can access via your PC at home.

And using your own device is becoming a much more common thing.

Did you mean isn’t

I would have been REALLY impressed if she was all “motherfucker we’re not talking about sex we’re talking about SEXUAL ASSAULT and it is highly revealing that you don’t know the difference!”

No. This is so incorrect. I’d bang Matthew Lillard like a screen door. Brb, going to go watch SLC Punk.

The Craft GIF party!

I _JUST_ watched this movie a couple days ago (Amazon Prime, if you guys need your Craft fix). So cheesy, so 90s, and so wonderful.

First, I’m so happy that Bobby defended The Craft’s honor. Because it was awesome. I absolutely loved Heathers, but if I’m being honest, I have rewatched The Craft way more times. Second, are there really people out there who didn’t play “light as a feather, stiff as a board” growing up? I guess boys are excused, but

Now playing

Say what you want about the effects not holding up, or its oozing adolescent fantasies but I don’t think anyone can deny that Balk’s portrayal as Nancy is really a standout performance. The scene where she (SPOILERS) kills ulrich while her rage and power literally lifts her off the floor is horrifying, powerful, and

Oh god I love this movie so much.


Heathers is the best movie to attempt to explain to someone who has never seen it. “It’s about a girl and her boyfriend who kill people and frame them as suicides. It’s hilarious! No really! Why are you backing away?”