Any Gawker Media employees?
Any Gawker Media employees?
Can we be friends in real life??? I just want to talk to you every day. Everything you said makes sense—especially how I should handle her. Most of the time I feel as though I’m unintentionally attacking her and that’s when she gets defensive. It’s difficult to point things out without sounding as though I’m calling…
I feel like it’s such an ugly trait to try and embarrass your friends. It makes no sense to me whatsoever. Good for you for not letting her stomp all over you. I’m going to try to be more direct next time and maybe give her a taste of her own medicine.
She really is jerkish. I think once she starts to get comfortable she turns into a huge asshole.
Miami! I use Klink. It's pretty great if you're super lazy and don't mind waiting a little bit.
I'm 26 and deal with that all the time. What's worse is that when I was actually 16-20 I used fake IDs I got less of a hard time buying booze than I do now.
Thank you!! She just laughed and laughed and did it. I’m glad she removed her follow. Her boyfriend was actually there and told her “that is really weird. What are you doing?”. I'm thinking on it now and I really do need to set some serious limits on not only her, but so many people in my life!
I love your chicken!!
Hahaha thankfully it was not sex stuff and if it was I can't remember. I just kept waking up in cold sweats and just a sense of dread. Every time I would wake up and read more horror stories. It was like the best nightmare fuel.
We do have a lot of fun when we hangout and I enjoy her company but I'm really starting to rethink how much I open up to her about things. It was just SO shocking to me that she would actually do that. After I said no!!
I know what I’m doing tonight...
That’s kind of what I was wondering—it was as though she wanted to make me squeam. I was wondering if maybe I was being crazy by not wanting her to add him. Was I justified in kind of flipping out on her as calmly as I could?
Unrelated, but I fell asleep while reading last night’s pissing contest and I had the most horrible, vivid dreams about my parents doing embarrassing things.
There’s no way I would! Sounds gross. But I need some Jezzie opinions on something that happened to me yesterday.
Silly little bitch is my favorite insult now. Thank you.
I think her parents adopted her from someone in need and her dad went ahead and got the birth mom pregnant. All sorts of fucked up. I'm sorry wallflower!
It was pretty brutal!! I was terrified of having sex for so long after being shamed by parents. Even when I did start again it was very difficult for me to open up and enjoy. Alls well now though & sex is something I’m finally really comfortable with and am able to enjoy.
100 points for your doctor
Lol your dad sounds so cute!! They really went 100% with the....mouse trap.
Haha. My mom leaves pictures of Jesus in weird, hidden places around my apartment. I always find them years later.