

The hormone effects on my mental health is what’s worrying me the most. I am generally okay, but suffer from extremely bad pms in terms of my moods. I’m 100% sure that the abortion is the right choice for me, but I am struggling everyday with keeping my emotions in check. I’m afraid that the end of the pregnancy will

$2.7 million in damages! Wow. Good for her after dealing with such a terrible situation. I hope she actually saw the money. It's crazy that this is the first time I'm hearing about this story though. I used to actually think he was attractive when I still watched Glee. He's a sicko.

I've been having the same thoughts. We've known since Wednesday and he grew gradually more and more distant to the point where he has completely disappeared...but he has been watching all of my snapchats. I'm hoping his dick falls off, too. What's best about this is he's a Catholic. Unprotected sex is okay. Getting

Lol. You’re awesome! His name is now saved on my phone as Peter Pan. Guido sounds like exactly what I needs vs this stupid loser ex I invested time in. When I first got the positive test I called my friend and her first comment was “so you CAN get pregnant!!!!”. The ex I had been trying to conceive with had two kids

I’m so sorry that happened to you! People can be so terrible to each other. Lisa sounds awful, too. At this point it really feels like I’m in some weird nightmare that I can’t wake up from. I’ve asked him multiple times if he’s going to come to the appointment or if I should pick up the money beforehand. The last I

Thank you for your support. Your words really helped. I knew I could rely on SNS for help. I actually took a screenshot. I am prepared for the fact I’ll have to cover the costs by myself as I really don’t see him coming around anytime soon.

Thank you.

When I first discussed it with him (when he was still talking to me) he let me know that he was against abortions, but that he would support my decision 100%. After I let him know he made comments about me “vacuuming the baby” out but then also said he’s “not ready for any of this” before he really began ghosting. He

Thank you so much. I don't see him apologizing anytime soon. I wish I was stronger and could just tell him to fuck off. I just thought we would be in this together.

I’ve actually spoken to my mom about it and she’s handling it very well for someone that was raised well within the Catholic Church. The abortion itself (medical abortion done with 2-3 pills, I can’t remember) costs $495. I qualified for government assistance because of my income and housing situation and it brought

It’s pretty shitty. I’ve never been pregnant until now. I was trying in my previous relationship for 5 years and it never happened. It’s just all really hard. I text him again an hour ago to no response. I feel completely alone.

What a rough start to 2016!. Would really like some stories/advice/experience from my fellow jezzies. I just found out on Wednesday that I am pregnant by the guy I’ve been dating for 3 months. He seemed to be handling it well. We spent NYE together and decided to terminate. After I left him know my decision he has


Imagine a group of six extremely high people, that are slowly losing motor functions, trying to play Cards Against Humanity. We started dropping like flies. The couch saved our lives.

I just feel like Christmas Day should be reserved for leftovers, movies, and mimosas! I generally feel like Hispanics prefer prolonging holidays as long as we can though. Haha

My best friend was stuck on the couch next to me and just kept saying her legs no longer worked. We were all sooooooo gone. It was hilarious now that we look back on it, but we all agreed “never again”.

As a Hispanic we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve and leave Christmas Day for recovery. Last night I had some friends visit my parent’s house for their annual Xmas dinner party. A bunch of us ended up eating a bunch of pot brownies. I’ve never been so high in my entire life. It was fun at first, but quickly

I have to disagree completely. I think it gets laughs because nothing is more trite than fashion bloggers and it’s a relief to know even their signficant others agree. It has nothing to do with women’s success. lol

I really like the Outlander main theme...and The Weeknd.