
I haven’t gone through all the comments, but is Kim & Kanye’s need for a boy the real reason she was having fertility “struggles”? I feel like maybe it is and although I’m usually able to scoff off all of their stupidity using fertility issues as a ruse for choosing your child’s sex is just so fucked up.


Do adult women actually call their dads “Daddy”?

#notallmen huh

Man. Who eats yogurt with their fingers and like touches people with their sticky yogurt fingers after? This is so gross to me. Nobody enjoys yogurt like that.


Off topic. Can anyone tell me if Bruno Mars is actually 5’5? We should get Kit and Bruno to stand next to each other. That would be the true test.

I was 18 when I got mine pulled. No insurance/no money, so it was actually cheaper to fly to Colombia where my cousin’s co worker (actual dentist) could do the surgery for free. I had no anesthesia and no laughing gas—only novocaine filled needles that were shot into every single part of my jaw (isn’t the one up the

Bro country is not country.

Haha wtf

She must have really pissed off her family to have them speaking out against her as much as they have.

This is such an interesting topic. Thanks for covering it. The one child policy is such a crazy thing, very insightful to see what people are doing to circumvent it.

Omg. I love you

Am I only one that starts wheezing and coughin if there's a fan on for too long?

They are so sweet! My ex boyfriend’s family is honestly what makes/made our break up so hard. I love them and his kids so much, and after six years we are all very close. Breaking up is hard. Helppppp

Let me guess, your bride to be is significantly younger than the ex? Also, why would you laugh? That is so fucked up.

They must have a serious blood feud going on! I hope they squash it eventually.

Lol this nonchalant attitude about your son using the family cat as a punching bag is a little concerning.

Stop trying to make Rita Ora happen! Rita Ora is never going to happen!!!!!! AKA I have no idea who she is, but see her and her stupidly colored hair everywhere. #hater

I went hiking in the smokies a year ago and one of the pamphlets they gave us had some tips. “Rest before you’re tired and drink before you’re thirsty.” I tend to apply that to everything now. I don’t really understand why people would wait until they actually “feel” thirst before drinking. I do drink at least 1-2