
Why can’t we get Trancers or Trancers 2?

That’s it! I need to buy a bunch of sextoy vaginas and sell them as “Hitch Clits”!

My wife had a First Gen Ridgeline and I thought it was pretty badass. The drain-plug in the “trunk” came in pretty handy.

I said NP, because I’m insane and after fixing it I’d want to roll hard at Car Week in Monterey, because any GAZILLIONAIRETRUSTFUNDDOUCHE can buy something better and faster, but insanos go for these things.

I bought a 2006 V6 Mustang brand new, and I fucking loved that car. It was the first car I ever got in an drove, just to drive. I took quite a few road trips around California in that car and it always felt like the right car to be in, whether it was San Francisco or Los Angeles, it felt right; I especially loved

Pepper in a radiator is the most desperate I’ve been.

If you’re not on Lady Liberty’s side, get the fuck out of my face.


I knew that shit was too good to be true.

Fuck this guy. In the neck. Sideways.

You’re doing the Lord’s work.

oh shit, this made my fucking day. I hate that people were hurt, goddamn, I fuckin hate it and it makes me want to break shit all the way out here in California, but seeing that little shit-weasel run for his fucking life makes me feel a little better about things.

“Too much hate on all sides”? Motherfucker, the Nazis were the ones who brought guns to their protest. Not the black people and white people and all other people who were protesting the fucking Nazis.

In answer to your question, Al Jourgenson, the singer for the band Ministry used to own one of these. His reason: they were the only cars that could outrun the Texas Highway Patrol’s interceptor Mustangs.

I grew up in Florida along that nightmare region of the Panhandle, and you are speaking all the hurtful truths.

Right. In. The. Feels.

If you have to ask this question, then you really don’t get it.

Uh, didn’t these guys check for fault lines? There’s a lot of seismic activity there.

Did the dude put a fire-breathing Ornithopter in play?

I don’t watch the show, but after reading these, I fucking have to now.