I like it. I won’t buy it, but I like it.
I like it. I won’t buy it, but I like it.
Will the dealers scrape off the confederate flag and swastika decals before selling them on, too?
This still doesn’t really fill the void for guys looking to dip their toes in to the brand, at least as best as I see it. No one is starting on an Electraglide or Road King, even if the price becomes a bit cheaper (Which doesn’t change the way the used bike market currently is anyways).
Gotta get back on the 3,500 horses
“And it’s generally not a problem that just anyone can fix, either. You have to take it to a mechanic who excels in German car repair.”
German cars in NA markets tend to be highly optioned as sold by NA dealers...therefore more problems arise (out of warranty) We Americans tend not to hit the required service intervals (to avoid paying high shop costs) Europeans also lease (new) cars (as well as company leases) more often than buying cars, ergo…
My dad had a ‘97 Mercedes C230 that he said was one of the cheapest cars he ever got parts for (except for a replacement key, of course). He does all his own car repairs.
I know it sounds like Geico but, wanna save 80% on your repair bill? Don’t take it to the dealership. Figure out what’s wrong, buy the part yourself, and if you can’t replace it yourself have a small shop do it. You’ll save enormous amounts of money every time. I’ve owned BMW’s and Mercs... done this with all of them.…
I’m with you on the insanely overpowered rides. Not only are they often way overpriced, but as many people wipe out in them, I’m wondering how long it will be before you need a classification on your driver’s license to own one. I’m not real sure I feel any better about an untrained hack driving a 1LE Camaro on the…
I had an accident that totaled my 2019 Veloster R-Spec recently. (Emergency travel, middle of the night, etc...) I needed new wheels in a hurry. Of course, all the usual options for a small sporty car with a manual trans and the ability to transport a bike inside were in short or non-existent supply. (There were only…
“That said, the car is U.G.L.Y.”
This is in absolutely fantastic condition. Unmodified, looks to be garage kept as the paint looks great, no curb rash and the barrels of the wheels look clean with matching high quality tires. I’d get a legit PPI, try and find maintenance history. Swap out every single fluid in this vehicle and and ball on a budget.
This TT appears to be driven by a grown-up, based both on condition and lack of mods.
Nice Price if the seller has maintenance records. You don’t want to find out they put it up for sale because they can’t afford the overdue required service. If that all checks out, then this would be a very fun little car to sling around on weekends.