
Other thoughts on this car:

I gave it an NP, too.


Wasn’t there a Richard Pryor movie either based on his life, or inspired by it? I want to say it was called Greased Lighting.

The mid-1980s Cadillac with the early form of cylinder deactivation was the WORST car I ever had. It was just over 12 years old when I had mine (got it from my mom), and I was always fixing it or getting jumpstarted. There was some sort of gremlin in the charging system I was always screwing with. It was your usual


The 200 should have been brilliant, but making the gear-selector a knob that’s near the A/C knob was goddamn stupid.

I learned these things VERY quickly upon moving to Utah. It does help that when it snows, UDOT and several independent businesses get snowplows running pretty much non-stop.

I have seen Cressidas in California’s Monterey Bay area driven by little old ladies that looked like they just rolled out of the dealership. I would suggest starting there ASAP, and not when you clowns come out for Car Week/Rolex Historics.

FACT: The larger the wing in your car, the greater the chance of getting a ticket.


I’d buy a WRX in red and some sort of convertible and call it a day.

We had a Ridgeline and a Crosstour. I would have this Ridgeline over any other truck, because it would be like the Ford Ranger I used to own: just big enough.

I grew up in Florida and when I was able to, I moved to California. I would tell people there I came to California to get away from the weird.

I once asked my brother-in-law (a Vietnam War veteran) about his preferences, 9mm or .45cal, for a pistol. He said the .45 wins every time; while most 9mm hold more bullets, there was no denying the stopping power of the .45.

A gal I’m friends with learned how to drive a manual-transmission by being barefoor. She claims it helped her get a better feel for the clutch.

Put me down for a cheap truck, cheap Porsche, a cheap Corvette, and a cheap Nissan RWD sporty car.

When I was in my early twenties my mom would do this all the time. And it was usually for $300-$500.

Am I the only car guy that would rather not own a 911 or a BMW 3-series?

Yeah, I would. I once dreamed of finding the 280zx I had in high school, it was in a salvage yard after my dad blew up the engine. I knew exactly where it was at in said salvage yard, I just never had the money to fix it. I would imagine it’s washing machine at this point.