
I was just telling some co-workers I was all-in on this movie, until that scene in Episode III when Anakin screams “I HATE YOU!” at Obi-Wan during their fight. He sounded like my goddamn five-year-old when she’s throwing a temper tantrum.

I’m sure it’s been said already, but SENTRA SE-R OR GTFO!

I find myself very aroused by all of this...

A true hot-rod Lincoln? I may not be able to afford one, but I like it.

Someone else said the Chrysler 200 and I’ll agree with that.

When I was a teenager in the 90s, it seemed like every Vanilla Ice wannabe or douche-canoe rolled in a Fox-body Mustang. Didn’t matter if it was one with the anemic NA 4-banger or 6-cylinder, they thought they were the BADDEST motherfuckers around. And god-forbid some toolbag got a used Highway Patrol interceptor

I have to agree with this one too. I wanted to get one, but i was afraid every flat-biller (yo!) in the greater SLC would want to race me on the freeway or when i’m taking my kids to daycare.

Do you live in Salinas, because I used to live in an apartment complex there and my next door neighbor was onlder woman driving a bone-stock Integra.

I want it. Itallian build-quality and cost of ownership be damned!

Blah-blah-blah 911.

I saw a 1960s Jag in pieces after my uncle retrieved it from a cave.

Oh wow, they even ripped off the logo for ZERO Skateboards.

I wish I would’ve known about this list sooner, or I would’ve nominated the Honda CR-V. Everything about going 80mph or more is fucking scary as hell.

Pearl white sucks too. Especially in direct sunlight. Has a weird, faded yellow tint. Reminds me of old plastic.

That “legend lime” green that was on the S197 Mustangs was pretty awful.

I’m a car guy that’s going to be 40 next year. I’ve wanted a bike for 20 years and came close to getting one once.

My cousin had a 3rd-gen Camaro in teal. Oh man, it was so bad-ass.

Oh, I wants it so!!!

I test drove one of these before I got my Accord. I wanted to like it, but when I mashed the gas pedal to merge onto the freeway, it took for-fucking-ever get up to speed. It seriously felt like I could’ve ran faster than that car.

Looks better than that half-circle that’s stuck on the Legacy’s rear when they go with a single-exhaust.