
“THAT’S SOME GREAT CAMERA WORK, I really like this Kate Lee, Mike. Standing in the pocket. Feeling the pressure right up in her face. Knows she is gonna take the hit and... BAM. Gets the open look and perfect shot. You can’t coach that”.- John Gruden

I am going to get into the Bloodborne DLC after I finish Fallout 4. Simon’s looks rad, but doesn’t that kind of break the game/undo everything it is supposed to be about? It is cool as hell jobbing out Ebrietas like that, but at what cost?

The NFL has been getting progressively worse to watch over the last few years, and this year has been the worst.

The games have no flow. There are flags everywhere, except for the times where there should actually be flags. Tackling form is bad. Most quarterbacking in the league is bad. Coaching and basic clock

The great irony is that they fucked up by doing the exact thing that killed multiplayer games like Evolve. Evolve was dead on arrival once you realized you had to pay out the ass to get anything resembling content, and even that content put together only vaguely justifies a $60 commitment, let alone the over $120

The #’s really are shocking when you think about it.

You can tell for a beat that Rodgers is thinking about it, knows that he is going to get bullshit for it, and then just says “fuck it, this is too important” and then says it anyway.

He has always come across as an intelligent, thoughtful guy. This confirms what I have always thought about him.

I didn’t know that I was trying to have a nuanced political argument or even trying to make a political argument.

No, not really. If I have to be that kind of person to have that kind of success, I feel like I am doing ok where I am.

There are only a small amount of people on earth dumber than Greg Hardy. Coincidentally, most of them were on the stage during the Republican debate last night.

That line, delivered in the way it was and in the context of that video, sums up why I gave up on the Call of Duty series.

Moonsault? Who gives a shit. Show me a Bills fan that can do a Shooting Star Press and I might mark out a little.

I am more of an original Skate fan, but any of the three would be great.

Yes. They are. The Cardinals are hell on Earth.

This is stupid for a ton of reasons, but the fossil record thing just boggles the mind. Go to a museum, go to the dinosaurs, and then point. More than likely, you are pointing at a transitional fossil of some kind.

The human eye is really really good at detecting when something is fake. In this case though, you don’t really need it. Everything looks really off. Granted, CG is tweaked on a movie right up to release, so maybe they will back off some of these effects.

Knowing MOBA players, this will end well.

Again, you and Kyle killed it, Diana. Good work.

Ah yes. Baggage. Beating the hell out of a woman and throwing her onto a pile of guns isn’t a big deal, especially if you can tackle a man throwing a football.

I am just parroting what a lot of others are saying, but still:

Diana, you are the best at this kind of stuff and are a valuable resource to Deadspin.

Also, fuck Hardy, Goodell, and Jerry Fuckin’ Jones.

It is also nice to see one wrestler going over another wrestler strong and clean. It used to happen all the time! When Jericho and Benoit were feuding for the IC belt, they were going over each other clean and both came out looking like bosses.

When everyone is protected, no one gets over.