He would also establish a minimum book tax of 15% for companies making $100 million or more that pay little to no federal income tax.
He would also establish a minimum book tax of 15% for companies making $100 million or more that pay little to no federal income tax.
I’m annoyed that Dennings was never in the same scene as Hopkins. The contrast between the two actors and the two characters would have been amazing.
Seconded. Although, it looks like Joel was stuck with his in-laws for three weeks, so I’ll allow it in that case.
Honestly, these days it doesn’t matter very much. If you are in a major that doesn’t require specialized software or technical notation, Google Docs or Office 365 Web Apps are probably good enough. Even if your major is full of mathematics, Microsoft Word is competent in handling technical notation. Word has made vast…
Funny... I thought I was sharing my adequacy.
It amazes me that some people feel they *need* to get any streaming services. I haven’t watched one second of Stranger Things, Handmaid’s Tale, or Westworld, and I function just fine in the world. If I didn’t live in the middle of nowhere, I wouldn’t bother with cable. If I lived twenty mile east, I could get MeTV and…
The administrators at our community college system like to state that students who start at a community college and transfer finish a four-year degree at a higher rate than the students who start directly at a four-year college. It’s pretty obvious that what this really says is that community colleges are simply…
All online we have computer information technology and various business certificates. Face-to-face, we have: HVAC repair, advanced manufacturing, welding, medical laboratory technology, practical nursing, registered nursing, office systems technology, construction, drone operation, and more that I am forgetting. We…
One year is enough time to learn a skilled trade. My community college will be open in the fall for some face-to-face classes. A young person could earn a certificate in a year and have some practical experience to go with their liberal arts French literature degree. (Je taquine.)
In addition, Jupiter and Saturn will be in conjunction on December 21st of this year. This conjunction occurs every 20 years. You should be able to see both planets and their moons in the same field of view with a small telescope.
Thanks for sharing. I loved visiting NM.
The family and I did a road trip through Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona in June 2017. It wasn’t too bad then. I wouldn’t recommend it in July and August.
I’m starting to think that most of the responses you quoted are jokes. This is from Meghan Waters’ profile:
...but it’s still all over the place.
Copy Paste is Karma’s first cousin.
The Task Manager shortcut is search+escape on my Chromebook. (Chrome OS version 83 if that matters.)
Since I live in Kentucky, I figured there would be a few CSA monuments near me. There isn’t one for fifty miles.
I was just writing percent change problems for my math class, so I think your 150% might be a 50% increase. (If you truly did more than double your money, good for you.)
That depends on your time horizon and how much money you have on hand. I’m investing for the next twenty years or so, and I have more cash on hand than in the market. I’m going to hang on to my holdings for now.
You are correct. I don’t follow the Mission Impossible movies, so I just forgot about Ghost Protocol.