Omega Unlimited

In addition, Trump became more popular during the Kavanaugh hearings.

We *all* know this is survivor bias, right?

But the pride they felt in sending a message to the establishment is something that no one can take away from them.

This moron, Massie, is from my district. If I ever go into politics, it will be specifically to get him out of office. Unfortunately, my district is the one where Nick Clooney (George’s dad) ran and lost. A carpetbagger like me, from (gasp!) New York, has no chance.

If Trump wanted to be impeached, he would not be ordering current and former White House staffers to defy congressional subpoenas. He would not invoke executive privilege over and over and over again.

Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution:

My guess is that Fox News thinks they can put a spotlight on “the scary socialist who want to take your hard-earned money” to help Trump. The FN executives think they have already demonized the Democrats enough that the viewers will hear every Democratic policy as negative. They cannot conceive of the fact that,

I bought an electric lawnmower a couple of weeks ago, and I still have the gas mower. I’m on vacation next week, so I plan on donating or recycling the mower then.

So, it’s a petition signed by 0.1% of the viewing audience?

Fortunately for me, that is a list of four things I own in surplus, with a possible exception of clothing.

Ask a Lehman Brothers employee how well economic self-correction works.

To be fair, it was translated from the original Russian.

Trump is popular with Republican primary voters. Here in Kentucky, the Republican candidates for governor are competing about whom Trump loves more.

Triggered - used as a general response to literally anything that contradicts what they said, because they have no counter-argument

I’m not convinced the investigation is completed.

For the record, it was the final 310 or so days of Obama’s administration.

The Germans are good at inventing those kind of words.

Someone on another site pointed out this gem on page 19 of the Committee’s resolution (emphasis mine):

Unfortunately, it’s not just about numbers. The distribution of voters means the Republicans are starting at an advantage. We need all Democrats to vote in 2020, because Trump can still win.

I’m guessing Fox pays its video editors well.