Omega Unlimited

You won’t have to worry about “President Buttigieg” getting tossed around by Congress if the Democrats are in control. This is the key fact that every voter who is not a Trump cultist must remember.

Cory Booker, right?

1) Listen to him. You’ll understand his popularity.

Comedy is so subjective that a nightmare list would be impossible. I find Will Ferrell unforgivably dull (except as Bush 43) and Kristen Wiig actively grating. I fully accept that I’m in the minority.

The House Democrats are following the law, the Republican in the Treasury Department are not. This is black-and-white.

In addition, if the Muller report was released to Congress, then the House Democrats would be able to say “we are looking for concrete X Y and Z and we need to know if the tax returns corroborate

I ask myself that question. What I do know is that SNL has been worse than this.

I feel the same way about Game of Thrones. My wife got Season 1 on DVD from our library. I watched the first four episodes in a row. That was just enough to know I like the flavor but don’t want a full meal of it.

So I think it’s somewhat appropriate that someone with a pseudoscience degree is here pushing pseudoscience in front of our committee today.

I don’t know how old you were when Dora was first on TV. I remember watching Dora the Explorer with my kids.

I was half-listening when I heard the name “Muncie”. The Muncie Islamic Center is less than five miles from my Grandparent’s house. This story literally hit close to home.

Unfortunately, (b) is the most likely option.

Trump hasn’t accomplished much, but McConnell has gotten everything he could ever hope for. When history writes about 2015-2020, McConnell will be the real villain. It will take decades to undo what he has “accomplished” in the past four years.

One day I will figure out why AOC triggers conservatives so hard. They are more obsessed than liberals with her.

Smartphones are not a necessity. I have a LG LT-40 that barely has any internet access and a nominal “apps”. (I can’t even find a photo of one on line.) I use it to call my mom and text a handful of people. That is all I need it for. It costs me about $30 per month.

Only when embedded in a 2-manifold.

Now playing

If pi is a normal number, then every message (of finite length) is encoded in its digits. (Here, normal means every possible combinations of digits occurs infinitely often and with frequency that matches its length.)

My math students insist that cornbread are square.

I just realized the stray cat behind my house looks just like Goose. I guess it’s time to move.

Even reading “Northern Michigan University” makes me cold, and I’m from the Adirondacks. (Higher latitude than Toronto and 20 minutes from the Quebec border.) NMU is between Montreal and Quebec City in terms of latitude.