
actually, it's based on magic. so it'll be fine.

if u like that song, u might like this song

whatever. make the syringe thinner, faster, and in white. then i'll be interested.

snowpacalypse, zombie apocalypse, 2pacalypse, nuclear apocalypse. the word has lost all meaning.

"Why is there this magic in gambling my hard earned money on a band or album I've never heard? Why is better for music when I buy an album on a whim to find out I hate it?"

he has a point. sometimes i download albums without hearing a single song. my decision to download is purely based on the album cover and the amount of seeders. and it is truly exciting.

tour groups are only allowed to see the pretty part of the country.

i believe all modern reactors are made to be idiot-proof

how was he able to buy so many? they were capping purchases to 2 at my local store.

i believe he was just claiming that america is the best for apple products (which prob doesn't need to be said considering its an america company but ayways...), not suggesting that you move to america if you like apple products.

i had the same thought, but they're only going for $100 more than retail. i'd rather skip the $100 and have a few months with my iPad until they restock them

japan: wait... how much money did we spend on building that giant gundam? oh buyers remorse.

they should make another version of this where you hold it up to a girls face and it tells you if shes hot or not. i bet blind dudes would appreciate that.

they'll keep making large transparent screens like this, even if there's no market for it. then they'll find a way to make them smaller. then our phones will be transparent. and everyone will buy that.

also of note, if you had eaten an apple for every dollar spent on the original iPod in 2004, you wouldn't have needed to go to the dentist until mid 2005.

quick, film a Skittles commercial before they clean it up!

that bottom left corner could say "SONY" and it would be just as appropriate.

something along the lines of this

this is retarded. it would have made more sense if he surgically implanted a camera to the back of his skull... oh, wait.

NASA also verified that the movie 2012 and Star Wars were not possible. party poopers.