
on the topic of Moon-related disasters

dont we already have this?

thus Sun-"Maid"

iPad 2 vs Xoom? we're basically at the iPhone 3G vs G1 phase of tablets. wait till at least the iPad 2S or the Xroid.

maybe they also think the tablet will take the route of the netbook, and they're just sitting this one out.

i took that indian part straight from the article

true dat. Charlie Brown is not your average blockhead

But don't get too comfortable with that image. Within the next 20 years, that person will be of Indian descent.... and 50 years ago, he looked like this:

i really wish that Sean William Scott was there when Ashton realized that he couldn't log into his twitter account.

me too. i wore my pair until they had holes in them. then i wore them some more.

"dueling" lightsaber

they look like Nike Presto wannabes

i'm surprised there isn't an iphone app for this.

but this isn't an umbrella, it's a parasol. the article has misnamed it.

they should say that its Selma Hayek's breastmilk. i bet its spicy.

romulus and remis?

can we get a Starbucks in there?

are the plastic bags monkey-proof? if so, i might be interested. they keep eating my bananas!

or you could put all of your bananas in a plastic grocery bag. or a paper bag. and reuse that bag over and over instead of producing a bag for every single banana.