
im not sure how inappropriate this is... i was planning on being steve jobs for halloween. now i'm gonna be zombie steve jobs. yay or nay?

i wonder if apple could have predicted that the actor in the video would become a child molester by 2011. i mean, i dont know if he is or not, but that'd be crazy if they predicted he would be... and he was!

i'll get Siri occne it starts sounding like Paul Bettany. and answers to the name Jarvis.

50 cent: yeah and i want a fitty foot wirless range cause i'm fitty cent.

what about hot showers? what if took one less hot shower every two weeks? can i still use hot water for laundry? wouldn't that kind of even things out?

and so, the end begins.

i remember by girlfriend dragged me to watch "definitely, maybe". a romcom starring ryan reynolds. all i took away from the whole movie was this part at 1:28

i laughed.... 0 times.

going to war has caused the army to upgrade it's equipment? i guess that makes sense.

i bet these come in an awesome box.

just came back from 2015. They did a general re-release of the Air Mags, but still didn't include power laces. sorry guys.

maybe the enlarged home button covers this?

drill a hole, fill the safe with water, drop an explosive into it. it worked in the score.

and i thought they spelled bad on the outside!

"you make your own luck!" - man that was bad.

i think the fact that so many people see this hard drive and think "psssh i can do that!" or "psssh i have that" qualifies it as pop related.

i dunno, the fact that this piece made you go look up the wikipedia entry for nintendo DS games suggests that its quite thought provoking. and isn't art just something/(anything) that makes you think about life?

art isn't necesarrily linked to skill. andy warhol is a super famous artist and all he did was take pictures and screenprint them. anyone can do that.

art is in the eye of the beholder. i mean, i think the true genius here (and a lot of times with pieces like this) is the artist's ability to convince galleries that what they made belongs there.

in Stephen Hawking Voice: