
nobody's left this comment yet, so i guess i will:

but does it READ?!

aaaaand we're back to this:

what types of video files can this natively play? .avi?!!?

writing a detailed blog post to disprove a 13 year-old kid is pretty cool. i on the other hand just camp outside the local middle school and beat the crap out of them.

actually, guns kill people.... no wait, people kill people. crap.

o yeah?! well, when i was 11 i was base jumping, jet skiing, and having sex with girls.

whats up with all these toothpaste squeezing posts on giz lately?

why doesn't HP just get all of their unsold touchpads, install android, change the box, and sell them again at full price?

perhaps the thor vs. captain america scene was really thor vs shape shifting skrull?

i guess u can point your dad towards this movie:

technically, Thor was an alien.

actually, i think the order is Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor. The end of iron man 1 has tony being approached to join the avengers. the ending of hulk has tony talking to general ross on behalf of the avengers. actually, i think iron man 2 and hulk are supposed to occurring at the same time.

is this REALLY made to embarrass you into getting in shape? if so, they should have made a scale that automatically tweets your weight. that would make more sense.

i believe country music has the largest following/sales out of any genre of music. something like that.

"how much is a butt-ton of money?"

i assume all of the people polled take public transportation? im glad people aren't driving and firing up youtube.

they should find the guy who fixed the BP leak. that fixed everything right?

what happens when you put a coffee table at a bus stop? people stop and ask "do you know why there's a coffee table at this bus stop?"