
why isn't this existing standard functionality in itunes already?

the yahoo answer to "I'm Feeling Lucky"

Late Pass

can they connect this to a kinect?

will it take liquids other than sake?

@applefandan: when u say "If this kid is Chinese, it is likely that one or both of his parents is of that race as well."


@rlucey: but why is it necessary to point out his race? they wouldn't title an article "Woz Bought a White iPhone 4 From That Ballsy Black Teen". black people would probably be upset and ask why was it important to point out that he's black? the OP is probably Chinese (by race) and asking the same question.

@applefandan: actually, you should call yourself "Polish-American", not just American. why do we call black people "African-American"? all the black guys i know have never been to africa. neither has their parents, grandparents, or great grandparents. they've been in the US for many generations. yet we still call them

@Joey D. Smith: @applefandan: he's Chinese. face it. only white people in the USA can be "American". black people are "African American" (even if they've never been to Africa in their lives). anyone else (even if they were born and raised in the USA) are "Chinese" (if theyre asian) or "Mexican" (if they're latino).

obviously it was because there was a Transformer on the moon. not only that, it was a special kind of Transformer where, if you zoom in on his eye, you see it's made of the Transformers logo.

@Ryan: except this particular mask that looked incredibly similar to a real black guy.

@PHXPhoto: that's how we can get our competitive advantage!

@Settings actually, let me restrategize. buy them at $2, pay an additional $5 per case to screen print some professional sports team logos or glue rhinestones on them. open up one of those huts in the middle of the mall. then sell them.

Ccaptain Planet would approve. then again, he was a cartoon that was drawn on paper. so...

@Skitt: susan boyle isn't based on talent. her whole "i was poor and now im famous" backstory is one giant gimmick.

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: b/c talent alone does not sell records. the world's most talented singer is probably some janitor somewhere.

ah man, i thought they were giving away actual Blockbuster kiosks... that'd make an awesome DVD tower in my living room

@Settings: buy them at $2, sell them at $20

i think he's doing this to impress that girl from BU in the movie.