
You're not supposed to have fun, Bob. This is science. Load up another Gecko.

After just reading the headline, I really wanted to read about how they built like, a gecko corpse launching machine to see if they stuck.

I actually learned about the live action film before the anime. When I started watching the anime, it got me more wary of the live action film. They did that good a job on the anime because they have lots of time. Trying to condense the story any more than an anime is a recipe for disaster.

If you've ever played Virtual Boy, you should know that blinking rhythmically is a large part of the experience.

That Gilliam can't get Don Quixote going is the worst thing in the world. He's like 75 or something, so we only have like 10-20 years of usable Gilliam left tops! It would be a god damn crime against culture to not squeeze out every drop of genius that we can from his noggin.

Are they actually going to do a movie, or is it going to be like 3 where it's just a homage to Judgement Day? Homage may be a weak word, watching 3 it felt like some parts were shot for shot remade.

You're a hero. I'll forward this to the people asking me!

I missed the boat, they deleted the comment and I can't find the reddit thread anymore. I guess they took it down?

Yeah the game will be in English. Looking at European and American betas in 2015 I believe.

Aww, looks like they deleted the comment and thread, I can't find a link or cache. Sorry.

I'd find it hard to believe they didn't with the amount that Korea churns out.

Yeup. Just because it was a broad generalization doesn't mean it doesn't apply to Western titles as well. Diablo has always been a grind based game, but at least it has story and fun gameplay.

Arguably, all MMOs contain grind. I find that the ones out of South Korea have it a little worse than western developed games. You're right though, shallow boring combat systems certainly don't help.

Statistically they're leading, but god the gameplay mentality is ridiculously grind focused. Korean MMO's on large (broad stroke generalization here) feature very shallow combat systems with little to no story or narrative.

In the comments section of the link I posted, there's another link to a reddit thread with an account creation guide.

I meant 'only' in the context of Montreals population. It a gag response based on lobster9's "a small town in Canada" joke.

The big AC releases are all done by Ubisoft Montreal. Smaller games like Liberation or Rogue are done by other studios under Ubi's larger umbrella (Ubirella™). Because I was bored and looked it up, Ubisoft only employs 2600 people, around 0.15% of Montreals 1,600,000-ish population.