If I end up doing this, I’ll have to use a couple tiny servos so I can have light show glasses.
If I end up doing this, I’ll have to use a couple tiny servos so I can have light show glasses.
In my experience it smokes up a bit and can blacken the wood, you don’t have any way to keep your cuts straight, but you totally can do it.
They’re rated for “0.5Lb” but that large frying pan in about 12” and stainless steel. It weighs much more than half a pound. I sprayed the area with some alcohol to clean it, stuck the hook on there, I think it says to leave the hook without weight for an hour, so I left it for a day of work. It’s been up there since…
It’s wild that I’m reading this now. A few days ago I had a minor fit stacking my pots in my cupboard so I pulled them out and tried to think of something I could do. I came up with the idea of using 3M’s Command hooks to hang them.
Don’t judge my terribly filthy cookware, I bought them when I moved out of my parents…
It stars the same voices for Ratchet, Clank, Nefarious, and Qwark. Insomniac is very involved in development, and the script was written by the same guy that wrote many of the games.
As long as you handle it properly, and replace your discs when there’s any wear or damage, they’re perfectly safe. For the love of god though, replace zip discs when they fray, those little bastards will explode.
Started replaying this on my PS2, then I got fed up with, well, everything and fired up the emulator on my computer. This game looks great, and plays like a dream at 3x scaling. Kind of a shame they’re putting it on the 3DS :/
Just for fun, I’m going to say no. Tropical astringent.
Yeah it eats up my 8GB R9 290 haha
A lot of people need more RAM. I just play games on my PC, and a little bit of coding, so 8GB gets me by just fine. I’ve yet to find a game that actually starts eating away at my RAM. Even Skyrim with ~120 mods doesn’t touch 8GB.
The same double standards on display at SquareEnix are also rampant in their fanbase. Maybe that’s why they keep doing it, because it’s what their fans want?
In either case, I think modifying the costume like that is ridiculous.
Hitlers top tips for public speaking.
I saw the first one, which was reasonably “grounded” I guess. It was mostly just fluffy fast car CG garbage, but whatever, I was like 15 so it was cool.
I recently saw a trailer for the new one where a car launches out of a skyscraper, onto another skyscraper, and I think I’m going to have to watch all of them now. I…
I agree, but I feel ‘lack of money’ should also be included. If you’ve only got a year of dev time, and building a streaming engine is going to take a month plus QA while a load bar takes a weekend to code, you’re coding it to load.
I never finished XIII. I got real tired of the terrible characters. I think I could have gotten past that, what really annoyed me was how they’d change the scene then to figure out what happened you had to read the journal entries in the menu.
Well...Alright then. Let your freak flag fly! :D
What’s that!? Fun!? Not while Cursethedawn’s around!
That’s their whole shtick. Everything keeps moving, it’s always fluid so you check up often. The downside is, if you stop checking, you fall back so far that you just don’t care.