
From what I understand the best way to do that is to get better relatives.

Disastrous for those few thousand, in a country of 70 million, who bothered to watch weird Republican propaganda. Also this is your first and only post, which is suspicious.

My Grandad was in the British Navy during the war, on the HMS Stork at
the time of the Dunkirk evacuation. The ship had already been damaged
by a German aircraft and was in dock getting repaired, so couldn't
really take part. However; grandad spoke a bit of German, and when they
took a couple of prisoners later on

You're forgetting the Lords, they're not obliged not to interfere when the Commons are led by a minority government. And the Lords are overwhelmingly anti-Brexit, this government has virtually zero chance of getting anything done… it's hilarious and a bit worrying.

Shaken? I'd say that image of him is finished, he's a vote loser but I doubt the Tories know it. They're basically screwed, they'll need to replace May sooner or later (probably sooner) and there's nobody credible to take her place. I've heard talk of Amber Rudd or Dugdale, but neither of them are in safe seats so

Sure, in fact, outside of North America, I don't think anyone even knows the rules of hockey, you can call yourself Grand High Team Captain if you like.

Plenty of fellow feeling there, I'm English and us abroad is… urgh…

That's a much better idea than the Canada thing, I'll buy a pint for the first American I see in that shirt.

Well I don't think anyone knows anything much about Canada apart from Canadians so you can probably have fun making up any old bollocks about it if you like. I know I would.

I know most American AV Club people are okay, so I'll just mention that it's best to start pretending you're Canadian again when you're not in the US. In the rest of the world we honestly can't tell the difference anyway.

Pretty much. It's the equivalent of the story about George Washington cutting down the cherry tree and owning up to it; obviously didn't happen but it's sometimes nice to believe it :).

Urgh, of course Farage was there, because when Trump is involved things that are obviously dismal always turn out to be somehow even worse.

Not my president. And come on, mate, he's ordering a well done steak with ketchup. Even the most frothing, Putin loving alt-right lunatic should blanch at that.

What are people not getting about this? If you think of the worst possible way to do anything, think about anything or perform any kind of action, that is the choice Trump will make. Steak well done with ketchup? Trump says yes. Ban anyone from the friendlier parts of the middle east from going to the US unless

Except it's not, is it? People aren't talking about fur, they're talking about how dumb PETA is.

I'm really enjoying this show for some reason, and I don't think there's much that would put me off it, but if death doesn't turn out to be a pasty-skinned goth chick… well I'll impotently rage into the AV Club comments section and then carry on watching anyway.

I love this show, and the writer's room for it does sound like one of the most fantastic places to work, but 'K-hole' is far from a new term.

I sort of love this show. I love the comic considerably more but it could be dour at times and levity is helping. Now I'm in a quandry: I feel I should be simmering with fanboy rage but instead I'm happily going along for the ride. Damn it.

So what's the actual name going to be? Batman: Homecoming? Batman: Dawn of Actual Justice? Batman: Yes, I Know, But Snyder Isn't Involved In This One?

The YouTube comments under that video are a terrifying festival of antisemitism and other racism. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's the most vile comment section I've seen anywhere… it's honestly making me glad I live across an ocean from those people.