
Thank you. I have since read about some of his other… I suppose 'outbursts'? 'Reporting' doesn't really describe what he apparently does. Is there something wrong with him? Why would anyone tell someone who had *just* escaped a mass shooting that they should have fought back?

I, being English, am only vaguely aware of Mr. Rivera but I have taken a dislike to him because he wears the moustache of an absolute, cast iron wanker. Is there some other explanation for why he's so loathed? I feel a bit uncomfortable disliking somebody based entirely on their appearance and would like to justify my

I'm a lifelong Labour voter (yes, even now) but that might actually swing my vote, his track record on charity is admirable, his party would actually like him and he would have to do that accent… thing he did in Dracula for our amusement every time he spoke in public.

That might actually be the most workable solution to the desperate need for political unity in my deeply divided, deeply insane and quickly collapsing nation. That or, with any luck, this whole disaster will turn out to be a terrifying simulation and Neo's going to put a stop to it.

Got to disagree there. The only gun related thing anyone needs to know in these situations is that they are machines for killing people and they should not be available to the general public.

Anyone else think the Blackfish might be the one resurrected and turned in to a vengeance driven zombie lunatic in lieu of Catlyn? I'm pretty sure Lady Stoneheart is no longer a possibility but it seems odd to include the Brotherhood Without Banners and then do nothing particularly significant with them.

This is why I think Littlefinger's got a much bigger part to play pretty soon, there's no way he isn't going to come in to his own as the bad guy before too long.

Maybe, but I don't see Cersei going out without taking as many people as possible with her. I'm wondering if those wildfire caches her brother told Brienne about are still there and, if they are, if Cersei would set them off and blow up King's Landing out of spite… she definitely would.

Did she though? We saw her messing about with a load of phials and the like, who's to say she didn't just make an antidote to the poisonous pool and survive by taking that? That or she'll have some sort of slightly lame awakening and get back to her old self when she sees Needle again.

I don't buy it, I can't see any way she'd let him live after what he did to his brother. I *can* see him coming back as a blue eyed zombie and fighting in the battle at Winterfell though.

It would be Margaery tyrell, but I'm pretty sure Cersei would try to claim it first and fail horribly.
Edit: or, possibly, succeed horribly, she does have Frankenmountain now that I think about it.

I really doubt Lady Stoneheart's on the way. I'm pretty sure she'll be the one to resurrect Jon Snow in the books but they gave that role to Melissandre on the show so there's no real place for her. I suppose they *could* have her at the heart of the northern conspiracy thing I've been reading about but that might

That video might have been the most YouTube thing I've ever seen o.O.

Maybe, I wouldn't be enormously surprised if the duel got interrupted somehow though, we've already had a trial by combat where the good guy won and another where the bad guy won… maybe Frankenmountain will go berserk and start slaughtering random people? Whatever happens I doubt the fight would actually go ahead, if

Ah, gotcha, I should really google these things before smugly hurling them on to the internet o.O

*Theory that might just be a spoiler, don't read on if you want to come up with your own.*

I asked three friends to read the novel I've just finished writing so they can offer constructive criticism and point out any mistakes they can find. Time was pretty short, I need to start sending it off to agents and publishing houses because there are a few places closing their open submissions period pretty soon.

Dark Souls 3. I'm between jobs at the moment (which I mean literally, my contract expired and I'm starting a new job on May the 9th, hell yes) and I've got nothing to do so I'm wallowing in it. I've finished it once and accidentally activated one ending so it's time for me to go back and find the other two. Then I

RotD is one of the best books I've ever read and An Artist of the Floating World is almost as good. I was a bit disappointed in The Buried Giant though.

SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard, it's fantastic.