
This is utter bullshit. Ru is really pushing what the fans are willing to put up with. I didn't even read this review, and I won't watch untucked at least for a while. This crap is usually my glittery highlight to the start of the week, but at this point I don't really care anymore. It's just queens on a reality

Yes, April got shafted. She was much more diverse and got screwed by trying to be even more diverse (the butch and then the big queen). Not saying she did a great job, but she could have played it safe until she had something in her wheelhouse to exploit, like Trinity. I think she got shafted because she tried to

I think we could also see it as a very subversive message. The fact that the only criteria for marriage in most states is genitalia. The man could live his life as a woman and the woman as a man, as long as X goes into Y someway or another, and illustrating that it's not based on love. It's pointing out the

The reason I have a problem with the idea that drag is for gay people only is that it perpetuates the stereotype that gays are femmes that really want to be women and that straights can't appreciate exploring their feminine side, or at least others doing the same.

Well, even Adore and Trinity knew they were in the bottom 2 in Untucked and there didn't seem to be any friction that it should have been Joslyn. Georgia and Chaz both agreed Joslyn was great except for that one question. I was also surprised, but we don't get to see everything like they do.

I think it's interesting because I see a seed of creativity and uniqueness there. She may not have the budget for it yet, but she has style. I realize it can be unfair to judge one person's potential against another's actuality, but I'm more excited by what Adore 'could' bring to the table given time and money than

I laughed heartily at Dela's confessional during Untucked, "I'm not going to be the one to call out Darrienne. Like, let's get Bianca to notice this. Like, can Bianca just start paying attention when Darrienne starts saying these things?" (paraphrased). Then a shot of Lioness Bianca getting ready to draw her

It's the exact same shit as she said to Chad. It's tired. I'm here to be entertained. This show is unique in that I get the "real" story in the workroom (boy) side, and an entertainer on the runway (girl) side. So what if Michelle doesn't see it, we do. I love my favourite performers because they entertain me,

What she needs is a Bianca talking to. Bitch has to tell her to try some referential clothes and to challenge herself. It worked for Adore and Trinity, and Joslyn seems like she would easily take that direction. Mama Bi! We call thee!

I did actually like the call out to Klaus Nomi. It was well executed. But yes to all the rest.

Oh shit, I almost forgot about that with the 3 hours of glitter in my brain. That was amazing. Ah-Ah-Amazing.

Watching Alyssa and Laganja together was like opposite parental embarrassment. "Ewwww, no, don't say that." "But you say those things sweetie!" "No. Just…no." The words are there, but the feeling isn't. Alyssa makes the schtick work because she's clueless, but once sentience is attained it takes on an ugly life.

Can we all agree that if we were to choose a mini challenge to bring skeptical newbies into this show it'd be the S6 puppet doll beauty queen challenge? I think Lil PoundCake alone would get my racist Fox watching dad into Drag Race.

You can't make that shit up! Or maybe you can and I've been fooled. Either way, Houdini can have my money.

Nah, every time I wanted to give Courtney the benefit of the doubt, she said something that ruined it. This coming from someone who really liked Courtney before these two episodes. I think she was trying to do funny-narcissistic a la Willam, but she came off as straight up narcissistic. Given, nobody ever came to

Trinity was a strong 2nd to Bianca for me. Bianca was a professional up there. Though I think Trinity's lines were top rate.

I actually think that's normal Leah Remini. I never watched her on that lame sitcom, but if you've seen her on the Talk or in interviews, that's just how she is. She actually seems really cool. Like a sister who's just there to have fun and drink some wine. Come to think of it, just like my sisters who are just

Right? It's like the fratboy trying to be the geek. No, there's just an innate geekiness you can't manufacture, and when you try it's even worse.

Trinity's routine about reading out cookbook recipes to feed poor hungry children was gold. The starving due to ear infection is something I will steal. She looked great, too. Very pleasantly surprised.

The fact that Cyndi Lauper hasn't been a guest judge is a tragedy only paled by the fact that Cyndi Lauper hasn't been done in Snatch Game. There is no reason for it. See also: John Waters; Dolly Parton.