
And in this finale what does Darrienne have? A glittery black gown. YAWN! What this season was really missing was someone tearing that runway apart. Oh look a black a white theme! Oh…black and white gowns…April would have done Beetlejuice! (Credit: Courtney's look there was good).

Since we're doing this, I'll give my own. 4>2>3>1>5>6>All Stars 1 (not so different from yours). I will always have a soft spot for S1, it was so terrible and shoe string. Plus Nina Flowers. 2 and 3 are about equal to me. 4 is the clear front runner, 5 and 6 seemed like let downs after that.

Shame. Nothing to say but…Shame.

No. No, it can't. But I don't think Willam will ever do it. He has the best exit from RPDR in Herstory and the fact that he isn't on All Stars will only add to her legend.

"It looks cheap as hell and kind of weird" That why I love it! They did it with $2.50 and a tub of vasoline for the camera. Bringing drag back to its roots!

I've actually used this several times already. Kills every time, and since no one I know watches this show I take total credit.

Just like I can never not say "Hi!" unlike Alaska. Not so terrible, but as a 30 something year old bear of a man…

Honestly, I'm Canadian but I was raised on dry British humour. I can make the Queen cry. But even I was taken aback by the 'dryness' of Australians when I went down there for 2 months. I'm still not sure if they're all complete assholes or not, at least a Brit will buy you a round after destroying you. The country

I have no idea what 67 was all about, but I feel l like the line in her apology where she says that we should all get along and that's why she took it down is complete BS. I'm all for not going out of your way to hurt someone, but who exactly gets to decide the line where we all get along? That's the bigger

I'd say this season was 'ok'. The biggest complaint from me was there was a distinct lack of crazy fashion. Trinity and April gave some good looks, as did Milk at times. The animal runway was by far the best. No one really took a theme and ran with it. As much as I love Bianca and Adore they combined with

I said it during the season, they sent home interesting queens in order to keep those they hoped would create drama. The drama never came so they were stuck with a bunch of ho-hum candidates with a clear front runner by the midway point. Then they had to get rid of Dela because she was too much of a threat to who

I use a VPN and usually I can find drag race eps….elsewhere… but tonight I have to rely on logotv as I did last season. I have used this VPN for lots of things and never had a problem with buffering. I watched 5 different live events at once during the Olympics with only occasional issues that were sorted quickly.

Hi BadMusicFan. I realize this is many days later. I just saw the notification. Plus I'm deeply invested in men dressing up as women for my entertainment. Haha.

This is a really good comment, BadMusicFan, and you're right. But I will add that this show was never really about finding the next real drag superstar, just as PR was never about finding America's next greatest designer. It's about making 12+ great hours of TV. And like PR, it seems to be moving from finding

Trinity over April. Darrienne over anyone, including Dela. Yes, Trinity came out of her shell a bit later on, but at that point April showed way way waaaaaaaaaaaaay more creativity, uniqueness, nerve and talent. I'm pretty sure we would have gotten much more out of April than we ever did out of Trinity. As for

*Romper Room fuckery. Though she might get in trouble with copyright issues, so I can see how your version would be more legal.

And it's probably unfortunate for her long term career that she has stayed. It's also probably better for Dela's long term career that she left now. Now she's mentioned along with Pandora, which ain't such a bad thing in the Drag Race universe.

I feel like Darrienne gave up weeks ago. Or maybe this is the height of her skills, I don't know. I also immediately thought of Mystique with that corporate look. Going the mall to hand out resumes realness.

I read the first paragraph and I was like, "This dude is watching a very different show than I am". Normally this is a safe place of superficial banter, but even last week's treatise on straight marriage was overbearing.