
My experience with drag queens is very limited, but before the show I always considered there were basically 2 kinds of drag: the realistic kind (now I know it's "fishy") and the art/club kind. I always gravitated towards the latter in my youth. But through this show I've learned there can be so many different kinds

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Right. Like I said, it's been a while since I read it, I'm likely getting the details wrong.

Holy crap, Gia just proved how deep her ignorance really goes. "Next time you see me you'll see what drag really is!" We always say that we don't understand how queens come to this show without knowing how to sew or with a Snatch Game character. But how do you show up thinking that just being "pretty" is enough?

So if you were really skeptical of Terminus, instead of just burying the weapons, why not have just two people go in first and check it out? If it is cool, go back out and get the other two. "If we're not out to get you in 24 hours, take off/avenge us." I get that there's safety in numbers, but if it truly is bad

What are you talking about terrible shooting? This is a show where a 10 year old kid makes a head shot from 100 yards away. Hell, they were even making head shots with golf balls last season. This is a world where shooting a moving target in the shoulder from half a block away at night is considered bad shooting.

If you're really curious, you should read Max Brooks' books "The Zombie Survival Guide" and "World War Z". In those he talks about how for some reason insects and bacteria and the like don't attack zombie flesh for some reason (they haven't figured out why yet, since, you know, it's hard to corral zombies into a lab

I liked Sophia, but I found that in later seasons she became way too mean to Dorothy. It killed the heart that used to be lurking in the background somewhere.

RuPaul is looking for someone to walk in her footsteps, not just the best drag queen in clubs around the country. And Ru was much more than "a drag queen". She is a recording artist, presenter, actor, talk show host and personality. She got super famous with her Supermodel song/video, but what made her a cultural

I assumed she had pink eye because Gia farted in her pillow after she was eliminated.

I believe it was Pandora when she was talking about the compact All Stars schedule, and how it was much more rushed. I believe she said there may have even been a day off here and there in the full seasons.

You have to give the editors some time to work their amazing genius.

I would be very happy either way, with a slight edge towards Dela at this point. They both have to at least be top three, right?

I thought Bianca came close in an entertaining and thought out sort of way. What held her back was Judge Judy is very close to her own personality, so it wasn't that much of a stretch. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, stick with what you know and do it well. And not that an old out of touch bitchy old lady is

I hate to say it, but Milk isn't interesting enough to be interesting. When Alaska made the decision to do boy drag in the children's show it was a calculated risk for a reason, and she backed it up with some range. Milk just seems to do these things for no reason. I actually have no issue at all with him doing boy

Joslyn has officially…OFFICIALLY! /Detox…ceased being a surprise to me, and has become a regular delight. Called it a last week: Ms. Congeniality. Black horse, indeed.

Oh my god, when Gia says some garbage to LaGanja like, "I know you're sensitive because I'm sensitive, too"…the look Adore gives the camera. I rewatched it as many times as I could see through the tears of laughter. But there were so many others! I'm actually a teacher and it's the look I give my non-existent

I'm Canadian, so maybe my experiences are skewed a bit, but it was immensely popular when they came out (the first 2 anyway). I do a bar quiz and there are frequent Mighty Duck related questions which are hotly contested by people of my age group (30-40) from all over the place (I live overseas). Obviously it's more

"They were from another universe where hockey was implied to be sacred and possibly integral to their physics"

I'll like yours, too. Can't get enough of it!