
Thank you for this.

I can excuse the gagging, but the lack of reference to Willam is unforgivable.

S3: I had my issues with Raja winning at the time, but I recently rewatched all the seasons and I understand it better now. Yara shot herself in the foot in the second last challenge. Final three, I was all Team Manila (still love her) but in the end Raja was at least passable in all her performances while Manila

Haha, my mom too! In her defence, English is her co-mother tongue and she grew up in a city that spoke neither of those.

But….doesn't Delorean rhyme with Korean already?

That's the point.

I kind of see what you're saying, but I also see her softer edges, like last week when she told Magnolia that she can't be a bitch all the time. She's actually offered helpful advice and been real with the other girls, too. I was ready for her to be one note, but I think she's establishing her character while

I don't think she meant it as 'blacken it up'. I think she just meant for her to be more confident and animated. But whatever, it worked wonders for Latrice in her season as the prison guard. They're drag queens, doing over the top stereotypes is sort of their thing.

So if Drag Race sticks to the format of past years, after next episode we'll have the Snatch Game. Milk, Ben and Bianca could all be interesting characters. Courtney could also be someone we haven't seen before (maybe Australian, maybe Kylie which could be awesome depending on execution). April's a wild card, and

I really don't understand this fascination some queens have with Beyonce. She's obviously talented, and I can understand doing her in a show. But she doesn't seem to have much personality, or at least much unique or strong personality. I mean, what is Beyonce, the person, known for? She comes off as sweet and

I love Vi's aesthetic, but her wardrobe tonight was dated. I'm not sure what, it I felt like I had seen it before. But you're right about Trinity's get up and others. Basically, they were much more critical of Vi's look than any other. But her acting, or lack thereof, is what really did her in.

I also thought that I wanted a gif of Lena Headey doing the clap immediately when I saw it. Awesome.

That would depend on how ethical you are…Matey! Actually, I don't see it as unethical if there is really no other way to get the episode.

Carmen Carrera?

As I said, I accept that it's different for everyone, but during the virus the characters acted like it was normal for the recently dead to take a long time to reanimate. I'm thinking of when Hershel and Glenn have a long talk about whether or not to kill a guy who just died right over the body, then take the time to

Bianca and Ben came here to PLAY, children! Courtney and Darrienne and also doing very well. I think Milk is doing well, and I love her, but she's taking it a bit too easy so far so hopefully being called out forces her to step up more.

Technically Becky2 and Becky4.

I know, right?! The scene was really intense and well done, but those zombies were running just as fast as Darryl. That hasn't happened before. This is one thing that bothers me about the sci-fi/fantasy/superhero genre because inconsistencies like that fuel the critics. You can have any rules you like in a zombie

"Magnolia might be the least self aware bitch to open her mouth on this show"

When she said the set up I immediately thought, "Poor thing's been in a coma since Katrina". Bianca's is more to the point, though.