
Seeing this lost opportunity from back in the day makes me more grateful for SpaceX as they have brought back the enthusiasm for space lost from years of NASA /government bureaucracy.

I don’t recall the Looney Toons rockets looking like penises.

I don’t remember loony tunes rockets being so phalac. I mean this thing has a mushroom tip that I expect to go drip drip drip.

Still looks like a giant penis to me. Especially with the crew capsule attached. Creepy.

“I miss the good old days”

I miss the good old days days when astronauts were either fished out of the ocean and had their feet painted on the deck of an aircraft carrier, or flew their own fucking spaceship in for a perfect landing where they took off from.

I always have to laugh at the pictures of Russians standing around in a hay-field after a space flight. It’s just the incongruity of it all.

Now playing

Is it the same way they make bowling pins?

they use the same luggage transportation training programs as FedEx and UPS

You also think the white man is the devil according to all your other posts. Go back to gawker.

How about this. Also you do not need any special paper.. (Crumple, uncrumple flatten on the edge of a table) 2 times and it looks perfect.

Gotta link to higher a res version of this? Cause it’s fucking brilliant. And I totally worked at Kinkos for 6 years and know the perfect paper to use.

There is a way to trick it. I wasn’t trying to do it, but I was able to print whole sides (and then promptly destroyed them and the complete scans). I was making some April fools joke bills, that you place the majority of them under something with just a little sticking out. (PIC below), so after I completed them I

That’s exactly what I was thinking. Make up some on clear tape, and throw in a scanner bed. Perhaps on April 1st.

Noooope, that’s very natural

That’s what I came here for!

Is it wrong that I can’t wait for an awesome explosion-video?

You ever see the movie 127 Hours, where James Franco is forced to drink his own piss to survive?... Yeah it’s kind of like that.

Back when I worked in a coffee shop, I was taught that storing the beans in the fridge or freezer is actually not a great idea - the cold forces the essential oils to the surface, where they deteriorate faster.

“But not everyone thinks that porn is the best way to fight ISIS”