Fox News is most certainly committed to a diverse workplace; they employ both douchbags AND assholes!
Fox News is most certainly committed to a diverse workplace; they employ both douchbags AND assholes!
Oh, okay, so it’s performance art. Hell, I still enjoyed your first post, though. Genuine internet gibberish is hard work.
If this woman has a private attorney that is looking into a lawsuit, and you find out about it, you should absolutely call up that attorney and let him know about that phone call.
Ummmmm... I’m just saying, but he definitely waived all attorney client privilege by having that discussion in public where anyone could hear it. If this woman has a private attorney that is looking into a lawsuit, and you find out about it, you should absolutely call up that attorney and let him know about that phone…
This is great news! I had the misfortune of sitting next to this asshole at the airport two days after the inauguration. He was on the phone with his lawyer and I overheard the whole conversation. He originally called the lawyer to advise him to get the footage of the woman leaving his room so they could prove she…
Boswell’s guilty plea to misdemeanor sexual abuse is part of a deferred sentencing agreement, which allows him to withdraw it after a period of “good behavior.”
In before the debate even gets started.
“a short track to cultural irrelevancy.”
I’m just feeling nauseous reading through all this.
If the allegations are false, as Hopkins claims, then this will undoubtedly be used in the future as fuel for the “women accuse men of rape when they regret being a slut” argument.
If they’re true, then Hopkins will be used as ammunition that sexuality/gender identity…
I think what I’d like to know is the reasoning behind the casting director’s choice. If there are several references to the character’s blue eyes (been a while since I saw/read the play) then why did he choose that particular role to re-cast as a different race, as opposed to the entire cast or a different role? What…
The play is about a dinner party at the home of college professors. There wouldn’t be a lynching, just a lot of well-meaning, microagressive liberal conversation.
I’m sorry but THIS IS A PIECE OF GARBAGE and we should burn this site and ALL THE EDITORS to the ground because this is a serious feministic organization and we must endorse the true struggle. Like, I saw a woman earlier today who was sweating outside. Outside. There was sweat. All over her brow. It was hot, sure, but …
The question now is did Pence know? Or was he willfully ignorant? I’m leaning towards the former. Either should have serious repercussions I’d hope.
A thug AND a gaslighter! “Oh, silly female, imagining things again,, sounds like someone has a touch of the vapors.” Class act, Issa, you crooked goddamn bicycle-seat sniffer.
My brother married very old money, and it’s helped him make lots of money of his own. His in-laws and he value intellectualism, organic eating, and diversity — all that great liberal stuff! Until their own personal money is involved. Then all liberal values are off the table.
Because evangelism is basically white supremacy+gospel of wealth
If you ever try to dig for clams with your bare hands (which I have done), you can actually feel them pull away from you and try to escape deeper into the sand. It’s kinda amazing since you usually don’t think of clams as particularly mobile.
My college, Ripon College, hosted MICHAEL FUCKING FLYNN last fall. Let me repeat that: