
Look! Squirtle! Right beside those two guys in do-rags sitting on that stoop. Go get him!


I seen a bulbasaur, right beside that used needle. Go get it!

I'm not a Pokemon. Go play in traffic. There's a pikachu right in front of that 18 wheeler.

"Has the gall to be a woman."

Anal. Lol.


Sounds Turkish.

There's always tomorrow. LOL!

Or a lake.

Or a river.


hehehe c unt lol.

AJ Styles beats Dean Ambrose for the title.

I loved him in Seinfeld.

What I said wasn't edgy?

I thought my terrible comments would fit in here? That's this place's niche isn't it? Poor man's Cracked?


Hey! I may be racist and pencil-dicked but…. what's the third thing again?

And the demons made a prophecy that Hades would be unleashed and the gates of hell would open. The world would be consumed by the devil's army. The population would be overwhelmed by starvation, pain and unmitigated agony. Every time one would open their eyes, any which direction they turned their gaze they would see