
Well straight off the bat Oliver isn't an American citizen. He's in the process of acquiring American citizenship. And it still shouldn't give him carte blanche to tell Americans who they should and should not vote for. He is not funny and his views are patently biased, hypocritical and dumbed down.

I'm not going to go on French TV and pontificate about who French people should or should not vote for.

You can't backtrack. You said it was an interjection and it wasn't.

Don't throw your toys out of the pram. I know what an interjection is. That wasn't an interjection.

Okay. Clearly on a wind up.

Are you on a wind up?


They are sentences.

Unfortunately by sticking his beak in, he may influence thousands of people to vote for a turd sandwich (Clinton) instead of a douche (Trump).

Well it would probably sound more intelligent if it was on any site other than this one where it's a competition between neckbeard commenters to one up each other with sh*tty jokes.

That's the hilarious thing. People up in arms over Trump or Clinton becoming a puppet for big pharma, the arms industry and the people with the real power.

Imagine an American having the gall to go on British TV during Brexit and say "You know Britain. Nigel Farage is preying on the deep seated fears and racial intolerance of British people. So I implore you, if you have a brain and any moral center don't be a bigot and vote Brexit."

Kind of rich for this guy to talk about Trump's "racial bigotry" when
Nigel Farage won an election on a platform steeped in racial bigotry in
his own country.

Sure you did.

I guess prescription drugs were his kryptonite.

Johnny Depp is a good actor though so it's kind of different.

Is there something wrong with being gay????

You think the are good actors? There is an argument for the guy who plays Loki but then that would predispose that Tobey Maguire is a good actor.

If all these British actors like Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Hiddleston and Clive Owen can get work in Hollywood it amazes me that Seagal can't.

I was the one who let you know
I was your sorry-ever-after, '74-'75
Giving me more and I'll defy
You're really only after '74-'75