
Something's rotten in the state of Denmark when it comes to this girl's death.

McCain, Palin, Clinton, Trump and Christie running.

You do realize Hillary coasted through the last months of her campaign, clearly taking her foot off the gas, because she so underestimated her opponent and the will of the disenfranchised, working class American people?

It's amazing how many people act like Clinton is any more qualified to be President.

It's remarkable how many Clinton apologists can make sweeping generalisations about predominantly white, working class people from the south and get away with it. Heck, Killary done the same thing with her "deplorables" comment. I don't see a lot of substance to the race accusations levelled towards Trump. In fact, he

It's a good movie, bro. Two powerhouse performances by De Niro and Hoffman, and some great dialogue.



Rest. In.

Well if people refuse to acknowledge the fact that Bush had one of the highest approval ratings of any president pre 9/11 and had one of the toughest tenures of any president over the last 100 years due to that atrocity, then I refuse to acknowledge all the excuses made for Obama when it comes to senate republicans

List 2 things Obama accomplished while in office. All I can remember are his yearly Ipod lists.

Yeah, cos all black people hate Trump.

Platitude, platitude, something platitude.

"Yes We Can".

If playing Spiderman with the kids of White House staffers, going on Conan, shooting hoops and talking about what's on your Ipod makes a good President than Obama was a great President!

There are dumb people everywhere, not just the south, and not just Boston.

He said inhabitants of Boston were dumb. Doesn't fit your simple narrative does it?

The election was what, a month ago? You still haven't got over it?

Ever see Louis CK's skit about how Boston is one of the dumbest cities in America?

Yes. All those riots in blue states from the BLM movement have displayed real intelligence, haven't they?