Omar Bradley Little

Go ahead, folks. Throw rotten vegetables at me, but I could NOT even get through 10 minutes of Guardians of the Galaxy. So sad, I have a secret crush on Vin Deisel, but "I am Groot" just didn't do it for me.

Proving once again that horse racing doesn’t have many stars, just a bunch of “glue guys”.

To be fair, they all do that. My problem with her comment isn’t that I disagree with her view point.

My problem with her comment is that she is being hypocritical in her viewpoint.

She urges people to take rape victims at their word - which is a fine position to take. But then she does NOT take Emma at her word when

We have zero right to tell any victim how they can deal with and especially commodify their trauma.

I’m not telling her how to deal with her trauma. I DO have a right to opinion, and to negatively judge her public choices to commmodify her trauma.

She’s not entitled to my approval for her public choices - and that’s


They sell shortbread cookies and local cheese in the little shop in town.

I always think his name is Meek Milk, which for some reason makes me imagine a little boy quietly nibbling on cookies.

All of Utah has rallied around her, and she’s made some very feminist public statements. Say what you want about the LDS church, but this girl has become her own woman, with her own voice.

For the moment, let’s ignore the greater mass of nonsense in your post to to focus on one particular grain:

I am not a frequent commenter anymore and am cast into the greys but, can I take part in this conversation? The rallying cry of “The Personal is Political” has become easily eaten up into the fluff of consumer faux feminism because “empowerment” is now a code word for anything that feels good. This is also precisely

Didn’t Heleanor help imprison Morgoth in The Silmarillion?

I was in a LDR for 3 years (completely different states) and we made it through! We moved in together 8 months ago and we’re better than ever now.

You are a good boyfriend. You’re chasing your career, which is to be respected. You have to put your oxygen mask on first, you know? So, relocate to where your job is and then see what’s doable in your relationship. Hopefully, she’s a supportive girlfriend who will understand this is a good choice for you at this

Giving someone the option to come with you but then respecting their decision if they decide not to is firmly in decent respectful boyfriend category IMO.

You need to do you, especially in this economy. It seems silly to say “what’s meant to be will be” but I think it's true in this instance. If you guys end up missing each other enough you can work it out then. But if you really want to try the new job in the new place then you need to do it for you.

While I think open conversations are an important part of parenting, I think it’s kind of disingenuous to claim a parent can just tell their child that the man walking a woman on a leash around the mall is just “make believe.” Kids generally know that normal adults don’t usually play make believe in public and walk


Whataburger > IN & Out